This version of Caffe made two changes to the oringal Caffe:
1 Depthwise convolution layer for MobileNet. It is compatible with this Caffe implementation of MobileNet, but no longer requires the group convolution trick to implement the depthwise convolution layer. See this link for example prototxt files and other details.
2 Supports labels of float type in LMDB files (converted from convert_imageset.cpp
). Original Caffe does not support float type for labels for LMDB when your train.txt
looks like this:
/home/foo/caffe/data/finetune/flickr/3860781056.jpg 2.0
/home/foo/caffe/data/finetune/flickr/4559004485.jpg 3.6
/home/foo/caffe/data/finetune/flickr/3208038920.jpg 3.2
/home/foo/caffe/data/finetune/flickr/6170430622.jpg 4.0
/home/foo/caffe/data/finetune/flickr/7508671542.jpg 2.7272
This should help regression tasks since HDF5 layers do not support transform_param