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Requires 1.9 rust nightlies.

$ git clone && cd RustyParenthesis

$ cargo build

$ cargo run
**> 8
**> (+ 3 5)
**> (define f (lambda (y z) (- y z z)))
**> (f 3 5)
**> (define l (cons 1 (cons 2 nil)))
**>(car l)
**>(cadr l)
**>(define l2 (map (lambda (x) (+ x 20)) l))
**>(car l2)
**>(define check (lambda (lst) (if (null? lst) "empty" "non-empty")))
**>(check l)
**>(check (cdr (cdr l)))
  • TODO
    • if and or shortcircuit
    • rename
    • grpahics engine TODO's
    • apply (apply + (list 1 2 3))
      • crappy/slow lisp implementation that only supports 3 arguments
    • explicit type casting for strings/ints/floats
    • add prompt or input
    • cond macro
    • add built-in list (function), is_string, is_float, is_int, is_func
    • set (so colorfulcircle.lo gets list of triangles).
    • implement print
      • implement print for strings
      • fix print for everything else
    • change the way we store sexps
      • investigate new Sexps style
      • build-in cons
      • modify cells
    • check argument types and number for build-ins
    • remove check at beginning of every build-in functions (maybe make a wrapper)
    • int-float coarcing
    • adding strings
    • make matching arguments easier for build-ins
      • extract float
      • extract int
      • extract string
    • make argument extractor for build-in types rust struct ExtractedArgs { strings : Vec<Strings>, floats : Vec<f64>, exps : Vec<Sexps> } fn extract_args(args : Sexps, format : Vec<String>) -> ExtractedArgs;
    • implement c-types-like ffi (using libffi?)
    • implement macro system
    • strings
      • make strings addable. Cast all arguments to string if one of arguments to + is string
      • string indexing, slices, etc.
    • other number functions
      • mul
      • div
    • logic operators
      • and, and or take variable number of arguments
      • not
      • and
      • or
        • short-circuit
    • comparison
      • =
      • <
      • >
    • floats
    • quote
    • add env to print_sexps
    • unit tests with cargo
      • lexer test
      • parsing tests
      • church numerals
      • standard library
      • test for expected failures
      • test sum with ints and floats
      • test other operators with numberes
    • switch Sexps to not use Cons and do it manually
    • evaluating naked expression like 8 or "blah" doesn't work with intepreter
    • repl and syntax highlights
      • loading multiline statements
      • repl history
    • move built-in functions to separate file
    • build-in cons
    • convert sexps to use vec (??? maybe)
    • switch form list::Cons to list::List
    • implement variable-number arguments with * or .
    • multiple expressions in lambda, etc. (we can just use do for now)
    • convert built-ins to only handle 2 arguments, and make wrappers in lisp
    • investigate why multi-line map definition hangs in core.lam
    • Fib example
    • ; comment
      • ; at beggining of line
      • ; after code
    • multi-line comments
    • if we get err in file while interpreting, abort and report error
    • do
    • sleep
    • when testing multi-line expressions (when missing parenthesis), we can concatentate Lexeme Vectors instead of concating strings and re-lexing whole string.
    • make embeddable library
      • separate lib and bin
      • figure out a way to modify external environment from language
    • optimize
      • compiler
      • have both vector and cons

Differences with standard/SICP Scheme:

  • cannot use special form (define (func arg1 arg2) (...)), have to use (define func (lambda (arg1 arg2) (...)))
  • "begin" is called "do"
  • Definition cannot contain multiple expressions
  • no let binding
  • no cond
  • no macro system
  • no quote '
  • no set! (page 220)
  • print instead of display
  • null?, nil

TODO soon:

  • round
  • cast arguments
  • lower-level language subset with better performance
  • (do (define x (lambda () (print "hi")))); x x is still defined in this scope
  • fix list-ref and make it built-in and check performance for tictactoe
  • remove extr tables from Callable
  • tail call optimization
  • stop using err for nil checks and sym table lookups. Panic on err or at least put back drop for exp

License: GPLv2+


Lisp interpreter written in rust






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