- Introduction
- API Documentation
- MoneyTransfer Microservice
- Notifications Microservice
- App Events
- Docker Guidelines
CashFlowz is a Java-based microservices application for money transfers. It features an idempotent API and uses event-driven architecture for asynchronous communication between services.
Power-up the application (preferably with Docker) and visit "http://localhost:8080/api/swagger-ui/index.html" to explore endpoints of the app and read the API documentation! 😊
The moneytransfer REST microservice architecture follows a domain-driven design pattern.
Includes the endpoints and their Swagger documentation (MoneyTransferAPIController).
GetTransferService: retrieves transfers.
GetAccountService: retrieves bank accounts.
MoneyTransferService: performs the money transfer operation.
CurrencyExchangeService: Gets the exchange rates from third party API (provided by https://freecurrencyapi.com/) using CurrencyExchangeDao. Performs currency exchange for a given rate and amount.
TransferRequestService: gets, creates and completes transfer requests.
- IdempotentTransferAspect: An @Around aspect providing the functionality for idempotent transfer requests. It publishes a Kafka consumer topic for sending transfer notifications.
The Account entity represents a bank account with the following properties:
Field | Description |
account_id | Unique identifier of the Account |
owner_name | Owner name |
balance | Account balance |
currency | Currency of the Account |
created_at | Creation date. |
The Transfer entity represents a financial transfer between two accounts:
Field | Description |
transfer_id | Unique identifier of the Transfer. |
source_account_id | ID of the account sending the funds |
target_account_id | ID of the account receiving the funds |
amount | The transfer amount |
currency | Transfer currency |
The TransferRequest entity represents a transfer request:
Field | Description |
transfer_request_id | Unique identifier of the TransferRequest |
source_account_id | ID of the account sending the funds |
target_account_id | ID of the account receiving the funds |
amount | The transfer amount |
transfer_request_status | The status of a TransferRequest |
transfer | the associated Transfer of a completed TransferRequest |
http_status | http status of a completed TransferRequest |
info_message | includes the exception message or a success message |
Includes all (JPA) repositories and Data Access Objects (DAOs).
Using @ControllerAdvice for exception handling and logging.
Unit and integration tests with Junit-5 and @TestContainers.
- AC 1: Happy path
- AC 2: Insufficient balance
- AC 3: Transfer in the same account
- AC 4: Source/target account does not exist
The microservice features a Kafka consumer subscribed to the notification topic. This consumer listens for TransferCompletedEvent events and sends a transfer notification (log) message.
The TransferNotificationsService includes the logic for sending a transfer notification.
Unit and integration tests with Junit-5.
The money transfer and notifications microservices communicate asynchronously with events (TransferCompletedEvent) using Kafka with Redpanda.
Build the project using Maven and let the magic ✨ happen by executing:
docker compose up --build
That's all you need, everything is set up for you :)
You can of course play with whatever database/cache/migration tool you like (I use Postgres, Redis and Flyway) by modifying the docker-compose.yml file.
Have fun!