Create fancy command line tables with ease.
Builtin styles:
"simple", "plain", "fancy", "sqlite", "plain2", "plain_alt", "legacy".
PLEASE BE AWARE this is my first gem :) .
- Builtin styles
- Colored data input support
- Double width east Asian character support with ruby 1.9
source = [["\e[31maht\e[m",3],[4,"\e[33msomething\e[m"],['s',['abc','de']]]
labels = ["a",'b']
puts tabulate(labels, source, :indent => 4, :style => 'legacy')
will produce a table like the following, with "aht" colored in red and "something" in yellow.
| a | b |
| aht | 3 |
| 4 | something |
| s | abc |
| | de |
Nil. East Asian character support requires ruby 1.9 and above.
gem install tabulate