fork this repo and clone
cd server && npm i
cd ../client && npm i
create new db for development - default name is
(can change by .env file) -
run migration:
npm run migrate
(in server folder) -
run seeds
npx sequelize db:seed:all
change ENV_NAME in .env file
Only once - init
- enable Github actions in your forked repo - go to https://github.com/{owner}/{repoName}/actions and press "I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them"
- Github have a lot of issues when it comes to actions and forked repo so you need to add any change for all the files under
add enter in the end of the file will be good enough or change the name for all the folder commit it and then change it back - in this step we just need Github to be aware for those actions 🥵 - create .env file from example and fill the params (repo name / access token)
- you should create access token from github user who have admin permission on the forked repo - probably be the team leader .