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Audio about OA
Ross Mounce edited this page Apr 16, 2021
1 revision
60px This list is part of the Open Access Directory.
- This is a list of audio recordings about open access, not audio recordings which happen to be open access.
- Audios from a particular event, such as a conference, should be listed together. But if the speaker was a solo performance, such as an interview or lecture, then it should be listed by speaker. However, an audio should only be listed in one category.
- We were not able to find all of the metadata for some of these audios, such as the date, duration, format, or occasion of the recording. Please add this information when you can.
- Wikidata identifier for this page: Q56229435.
- Chronological by event and alphabetical by speaker.
- Related lists in OAD: (1) Educational materials about OA, (2) Events celebrating Open Access Day, (3) Video about OA.
- For real-time updates, some not yet reflected here, follow the oa.audio tag of the Open Access Tracking Project.
- Episode 14: The Elsevier boycott. February 21, 2012, 55 minutes podcast.
- Open Access. Radio National PM. April 11, 2012. 3 minutes podcast.
- Open Science. Download free content from Oxford University on iTunes.
- Death Knell for the Paywall, January 2, 2011, 50 minutes podcast.
- Discussion on Open Data, interview by Richard Poynder. February 2011, 37 minutes podcast.
- EIFL-OA in action EIFL partner countries advocate for open access.
- Library engages researchers in open access in Ghana
- The role of libraries in the open access movement
- Benefits of open access for researchers
- Open access in developing countries
- Knowledge production and dissemination and open access
- Open access in palestine
- Library Lab. June 2, 2011, 25 minutes podcast.
- Panton discussions online. February, 2011.
- Public Access to Federally Funded Research. January 8, 2011.
- GSLIS Lunchtime Colloquium: A Panel Discussion of Issues in Open Access, event took place on October 18, 2010, at GSLIS, Simmons College. October 31,2010, 47 minutes podcast
- Informationsplattform Open Access: Materialien. Podcasts zu Open Access.
- Librophile Makes Quick Work of Finding Free Audio and Ebooks - Audio books - Lifehacker.
- Open Access and Co. May 23, 2010, 56 minutes podcast.
- Open access in philosophie. March 2010.
- Open access publishing: a panel discussion. October 20, 2010
- Podcast/Press release: New thinking on academic publishing and communication. October 19, 2010, 7 minutes podcast.
- Pratham Books releases open audio books for the blind, an interview at the Radio Mirchi.
- (A) Trip back to the future of the Internet. November 26, 2010, 28 minutes podcast.
- Why books. Download free content from Harvard University on iTunes. December 28, 2010.
- Wissenschaft, E-Books und das Urheberrecht, from the InfoRadio, June 2010, 11 minutes podcast.
- (Die) Zukunft ist jetzt: Digitales Publizieren in der Wissenschaft, from the Deutschlandradio Kultur. May 2010.
- Openness 2.0 - A series of five podcasts from First Monday Podcast, edited and hosted by AJ Hannah and Joy Austria.
- Openness 2.0 - Part 2: Sharing Openness in Developing Nations 28 minutes, 20.8MB, featured guest Eduardo Villanueva. Transcript available.
- Open Access Days 2008 in Berlin (9 and 10 October)
- Introduction to Open Access (in German)
- Open Access Services (in German). 22 minutes podcast.
- Documentation of the workshops with video and audio material (in German). 12 minutes podcast.
- Open Access Day 2008 (October 14, 2008) audio events should be listed here.
- Openness 2.0 - A series of five podcasts from First Monday Podcast, edited and hosted by AJ Hannah and Joy Austria.
- Openness 2.0 - Part 1: The State of Openness 35 minutes, 25.3MB, featured guests Sandra Braman, Mary Case and Steve Jones. Transcript available.
- SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) US focal meeting, Berkeley, February 29
- Welcome & Opening Address - Tom Leonard (University Librarian, University of California, Berkeley); George Breslauer (Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, University of California, Berkeley)
- What is Open Access, Anyhow? - Rick Luce (Emory University)
- The SCOAP3 Model - Salvatore Mele (CERN)
- Fund-raising in Europe - Jens Vigen (CERN)
- Expectations of a Large Research Institution- Ralf Schimmer (Max Planck Digital Library)
- US Consortia in SCOAP3 - Ivy Anderson (California Digital Library)
- Individual US Libraries and SCOAP3 - Part 1 - Miriam Blake (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Individual US Libraries and SCOAP3 - Part 2 - Kimberly Douglas (Caltech)
- OA Synergies: Repositories for High Energy Physics - Travis Brooks (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
- BioMed Central open access colloqium. The Royal College of Physicians, Regent's Park, London NW1 4LE, UK, Thursday 8th February, 2007
- PLG Skillshare: Student Scholarship in the Open Access Age. 28 minutes podcast.
- SPARC and ACRL have released podcast and text interviews with three OA publishers --from PLoS, BMC, and Hindawi-- talking about business-level details of their operations, and a comparison of their businesses by Alma Swan
- Open Access Publishing And The Future Of Legal Scholarship. OA Law symposium. Portland, Oregon, March 10, 2006
- SXSW Interactive, March 10-14, 2006. A podcast from the Open Science panel
- Joseph, Heather. Congress unplugged! Set the default to open. May2. 2012.
- Lessig, Lawrence. The Lobbyist Threat to Open Access…. 29 January, 2012. 4 minutes podcast.
- Malamud, Carl. Making laws more public. April 13, 2012. 7 minutes podcast.
- Shockey, Nick. Open access and psychology students. May 1, 2012. 17 minutes podcast.
- Smith, Stephen. U of M opens up to open source textbooks. April 23, 2012. 4 minutes podcast.
- Taylor, Mike. Open access journal movement. 18 minutes podcast.
- Carter, Craig. MIT faculty open access policy. February 1st, 2011, 6 minutes podcast.
- Kantel, Jorg. Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse müssen im Internet frei verfügbar sein!. May 5, 2011, 4 minutes podcast.
- Malenfant, Kara. Shifting Perspectives in Scholarly Communications. February 10, 2011, 8 minutes podcast.
- Sammer, Sylvia. Freier Zugang zu Forschungsergebnissen Open Access in der Wissenschaft. May 11, 2011, 17 minutes podcast.
- Siemens, George. Why Universities Should Experiment With ‘Massive Open Courses’. 6 October, 2011, 21 minutes podcast.
- Yakowitz, Jane. Tragedy on the data commons. April 26, 2011.
- Berners-Lee, Tim, Sir. Web inventor discusses importance of open data. June 18, 2010, 38 minutes podcast.
- Brooks, Anthony. A novel approach: free books for donations. July 27, 2010, 4 minutes podcast.
- Jackson, Baird Jason. An podcast on the Open Folklore Project, by Alex "Rex" Golub at Savage Minds. September 8, 2010, 43 minutes podcast.
- Jacobs, Neil and Alma Swan. How to build a business case for an Open Access Policy, from JISC. February 2010, 13 minutes podcast.
- Kaiser, Jocylyn. An Science Magazine interview by Robert Frederick, podcast and transcript. 45 minutes podcast, the interview starts on the 23:21.
- Kriegsman, Sue. Open Access: A platform to share, an interview by Gerry Bayne, podcast and transcript. July/August 2010, 7 minutes podcast.
- Kriegsman Sue (Program Manager for the Office for Scholarly Communication at Harvard University Library). Sue Kriegsman on Open Access Policies at Harvard, a CNI podcast. April 16, 2010, 8 minutes podcast.
- Lynch, Clifford (Executive Director), Lippincott, Joan (Associate Director). Recap of the JISC/CNI Edinburgh conference. July 15, 2010, 67 minutes podcast.
- Lynch, Clifford. Podcast discussion topics include computer forensics and cultural heritage, as well as a symposium at the University of North Texas dealing with a campus policy on open access, from the CNI. May 27, 2010, 62 minutes podcast.
- Malamud, Carl. The public access Crusade, an interview by Brooke Gladstone podcast and transcript. July 23, 2010, 8 minutes podcast.
- McGuire, Hugh (Founder of Librivox.org), interview. October 7, 2010.
- McLaughlin, Kristy. Digital Economy Act advice for universities and colleges, an interview by Nicola Yeeles. July 31, 2010, 8 minutes podcast.
- Mietsen, Daniel. Wissenschaft 2.0: Das Netz macht die Wissenschaft transparenter. May 10, 2010, 56 minutes podcast.
- Owen, Sue and Horn, Anne 2010, Open Access : How Open ? How Accessible?. Symposium, Deakin University, Burwood, Vic., 21st October, 2010, Burwood, Vic., Deakin University Library. October 21, 2010120 minutes audio.
- Pinter, Frances. Rethinking The Role and Funding of Academic Book Publishing. February, 2010, 24 minutes audio.
- Smith, Richard (former BMJ editor). An interview with Richard Smith, by UGP. September 30, 2010.
- Stoden, Victoria. The digitization of science and the degradation of the scientific method. May 5, 2010, 83 minutes podcast.
- Suber, Peter. Q&A on Open Access to Research with Peter Suber, event took place on October 20, 2010, at GSLIS, Simmons College. October 31st, 2010. 50 minutes audio.
- Swan, Alma and Jacobs Neil. How to build a business case for an Open Access Policy, from JISC. February 2010, 13 minutes podcast.
- Belliston, Jeff. Podcast #004: Open Access and the Institutional Repository. Academic Evolution, February 7, 2009. 36 minutes podcast.
- Darnton, Robert. Harvard's Open Access Mandates, by JISC, October 28, 2009. 24 minutes podcast
- Prosser, David. Open Access and the future of scholarly communication. Scholarship 2.0: An idea whose time has come, August 14, 2009. An hour podcast
- Swan, Alma. Alma Swan talks with Talis about the Open Access movement. June 19, 2009. 36 minutes podcast
- Wilbanks, John. Creative Commons, Data, Science and more. June 1, 2009. 48 minutes podcast
- Baker, Gavin, The Right to Research: Student involvement in open access to scholarly communication 53 minutes podcast
- Brewster Kahle. Towards Universal Access to All Knowledge. 74 minutes podcast
- Chanson, Hubert, Some Experience with Digital Publishing, Open Access Repository, Research Impact and Quality
- Clifford, Gary, Open Publication Models that Support Authors and Readers. 18 minutes podcast
- Fitzgerald, Anne and Scott Kiel-Chisholm, Managing copyright for open access
- Frost, Ray, The Open Access Repository - a Researcher's Tool
- Houghton, John, Uncovering the social and economic benefits of open access. 28 minutes podcast
- Kingsley, Danny, The Institutional/Disciplinary Divide, a Barrier to Open Access
- Law, Derek, and Bora Zivkovic, Interview on Open Access. The podcast is in Italian, but the interview is in English and it starts at the 22:07 minute point.
- Miller, Paul, Open Archives Initiative and repositories
- Morrison, Heather, Why I am an open access advocate. 6 minutes podcast
- Ober, John, and Douglas Kim, current and incoming co-chairs of ACRL's Scholarly Communications Committee. ACRL Podcast: Support SCOAP 3 Publishing Experiment. 16 minutes podcast
- Prosser, David, The open access argument is won. 12 minutes podcast.
- Schirmbacher, Peter, Wissenschaftliches Publizieren zwischen Tradition und Open Access
- Schirmbacher, Peter, Würde Einstein seine Aufsätze frei im Internet publizieren?. A five-part podcast on OA, based on a discussion with Peter Schirmbacher
- Suber, Peter, interview on Search Engine, on Canada's CBC Radio one, on access to research literature, May 29, 2008. About 7 minutes, starting at minute 13:30.
- Biello, David, talks about OA and the Association of American Publishers campaign on a January 31 podcast from Scientific American. 25 minutes podcast.
- Burnhill, Peter, director of EDINA talks about the Depot, a national repository. 6 minutes podcast.
- Hagemann, Melissa, from the Open Society Institute is being interviewed by Sundar Raman and talks about the history of open access. 60 minutes podcast.
- Kingsley, Danny, Open access and digital repositories
- McGregor, Andy, Promoting open access - how JISC is supporting the development of repositories. 10 minutes podcast.
- Murray-Rust, Peter, from Talis talks about open access and open data. 70 minutes podcast.
- Papin, Ramcharan Jennifer, from the University of West Indies is being interviewed by Sundar Raman on the subject "Are the problems stated by the Open Access movement "real", or just marketing?". 60 minutes podcast.
- Steel, Graham, A discussion about open collaborations/free culture, with the main focus throughout being OA related, a 45-minute interview by Sundar Raman at KRUU FM, taped October 12, 2007.
- Suber, Peter, The historical background for Open Access, the current state of OA around the world, and the challenges posed by traditional publishing companies, a 60-minute interview by Sundar Raman at KRUU FM, taped October 12, 2007.
- Von Hippel, Eric, Openness, innovation and scholarly publishing. 8 minutes podcast.
- Willinsky, John, Open Access: The Sea Change in Scholarly Publishing. 63 minutes podcast.
- Yamey, Gavin, Opening up to open access: Part 1. 77 minutes podcast.
- Guhlin, Miguel, a discussion about the Open Access Publications and Peer-Reviewed Journals/Publications. 20 minutes podcast.
- Joseph, Heather, Executive Director of SPARC in this podcast talks about the activities of SPARC, Alliance for Taxpayer Access, and open access. 22 minutes podcast.
- Miles, Jim, Redefining Open Access for Legal Information. Paper presented at the 2006 Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) Conference (Dubrovnik, June 6, 2005). 27 minutes podcast.
- Miller, Paul, Open Data is not the point'? Oh yes it is. 57 minutes podcast.
- Salo, Dorothea, Open Access for Teachers (originally licensed BY-NC-ND, but author prefers CC-BY). 21 minutes podcast.
- Suber, Peter, Interview on open access by Jon Udell for Infoworld, 41 minuteus, August 18, 2006.
- Willinsky, John, Learning Free of Boundaries Okanagan, British Columbia, May 405, 2006
- Smith, MacKenzie, Associate Director for Technology at the MIT Libraries and the DSpace Project Director talks about the DSpace project. 26 minutes podcast.
- Openness 2.0 - A series of five podcasts from First Monday Podcast, edited and hosted by AJ Hannah and Joy Austria.
- Openness 2.0 - Part 2: Sharing Openness in Developing Nations 28 minutes, 20.8MB, featured guest Eduardo Villanueva. Transcript available.
- Open Access Days 2008 in Berlin (9 and 10 October)
- Introduction to Open Access (in German)
- Open Access Services (in German). 22 minutes podcast.
- Documentation of the workshops with video and audio material (in German). 12 minutes podcast.
- Open Access Day 2008 (October 14, 2008) audio events should be listed here.
- Openness 2.0 - A series of five podcasts from First Monday Podcast, edited and hosted by AJ Hannah and Joy Austria.
- Openness 2.0 - Part 1: The State of Openness 35 minutes, 25.3MB, featured guests Sandra Braman, Mary Case and Steve Jones. Transcript available.
- SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) US focal meeting, Berkeley, February 29
- Welcome & Opening Address - Tom Leonard (University Librarian, University of California, Berkeley); George Breslauer (Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, University of California, Berkeley)
- What is Open Access, Anyhow? - Rick Luce (Emory University)
- The SCOAP3 Model - Salvatore Mele (CERN)
- Fund-raising in Europe - Jens Vigen (CERN)
- Expectations of a Large Research Institution- Ralf Schimmer (Max Planck Digital Library)
- US Consortia in SCOAP3 - Ivy Anderson (California Digital Library)
- Individual US Libraries and SCOAP3 - Part 1 - Miriam Blake (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Individual US Libraries and SCOAP3 - Part 2 - Kimberly Douglas (Caltech)
- OA Synergies: Repositories for High Energy Physics - Travis Brooks (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
- Audio and Video Presentations on Open Access by PLoS Staff and PLoS Board Members
- BioMed Central open access colloqium. The Royal College of Physicians, Regent's Park, London NW1 4LE, UK, Thursday 8th February, 2007
- PLG Skillshare: Student Scholarship in the Open Access Age. 28 minutes podcast.
- SPARC and ACRL have released podcast and text interviews with three OA publishers --from PLoS, BMC, and Hindawi-- talking about business-level details of their operations, and a comparison of their businesses by Alma Swan
- Open Access Publishing And The Future Of Legal Scholarship. OA Law symposium. Portland, Oregon, March 10, 2006
- SXSW Interactive, March 10-14, 2006. A podcast from the Open Science panel
- Joseph, Heather. Congress unplugged! Set the default to open. May2. 2012.
- Lessig, Lawrence. The Lobbyist Threat to Open Access…. 29 January, 2012. 4 minutes podcast.
- Malamud, Carl. Making laws more public. April 13, 2012. 7 minutes podcast.
- Shockey, Nick. Open access and psychology students. May 1, 2012. 17 minutes podcast.
- Smith, Stephen. U of M opens up to open source textbooks. April 23, 2012. 4 minutes podcast.
- Taylor, Mike. Open access journal movement. 18 minutes podcast.
- Carter, Craig. MIT faculty open access policy. February 1st, 2011, 6 minutes podcast.
- Kantel, Jorg. Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse müssen im Internet frei verfügbar sein!. May 5, 2011, 4 minutes podcast.
- Malenfant, Kara. Shifting Perspectives in Scholarly Communications. February 10, 2011, 8 minutes podcast.
- Sammer, Sylvia. Freier Zugang zu Forschungsergebnissen Open Access in der Wissenschaft. May 11, 2011, 17 minutes podcast.
- Siemens, George. Why Universities Should Experiment With ‘Massive Open Courses’. 6 October, 2011, 21 minutes podcast.
- Yakowitz, Jane. Tragedy on the data commons. April 26, 2011.
- Berners-Lee, Tim, Sir. Web inventor discusses importance of open data. June 18, 2010, 38 minutes podcast.
- Brooks, Anthony. A novel approach: free books for donations. July 27, 2010, 4 minutes podcast.
- Jackson, Baird Jason. An podcast on the Open Folklore Project, by Alex "Rex" Golub at Savage Minds. September 8, 2010, 43 minutes podcast.
- Jacobs, Neil and Alma Swan. How to build a business case for an Open Access Policy, from JISC. February 2010, 13 minutes podcast.
- Kaiser, Jocylyn. An Science Magazine interview by Robert Frederick, podcast and transcript. 45 minutes podcast, the interview starts on the 23:21.
- Kriegsman, Sue. Open Access: A platform to share, an interview by Gerry Bayne, podcast and transcript. July/August 2010, 7 minutes podcast.
- Kriegsman Sue (Program Manager for the Office for Scholarly Communication at Harvard University Library). Sue Kriegsman on Open Access Policies at Harvard, a CNI podcast. April 16, 2010, 8 minutes podcast.
- Lynch, Clifford (Executive Director), Lippincott, Joan (Associate Director). Recap of the JISC/CNI Edinburgh conference. July 15, 2010, 67 minutes podcast.
- Lynch, Clifford. Podcast discussion topics include computer forensics and cultural heritage, as well as a symposium at the University of North Texas dealing with a campus policy on open access, from the CNI. May 27, 2010, 62 minutes podcast.
- Malamud, Carl. The public access Crusade, an interview by Brooke Gladstone podcast and transcript. July 23, 2010, 8 minutes podcast.
- McGuire, Hugh (Founder of Librivox.org), interview. October 7, 2010.
- McLaughlin, Kristy. Digital Economy Act advice for universities and colleges, an interview by Nicola Yeeles. July 31, 2010, 8 minutes podcast.
- Mietsen, Daniel. Wissenschaft 2.0: Das Netz macht die Wissenschaft transparenter. May 10, 2010, 56 minutes podcast.
- Owen, Sue and Horn, Anne 2010, Open Access : How Open ? How Accessible?. Symposium, Deakin University, Burwood, Vic., 21st October, 2010, Burwood, Vic., Deakin University Library. October 21, 2010120 minutes audio.
- Pinter, Frances. Rethinking The Role and Funding of Academic Book Publishing. February, 2010, 24 minutes audio.
- Smith, Richard (former BMJ editor). An interview with Richard Smith, by UGP. September 30, 2010.
- Stoden, Victoria. The digitization of science and the degradation of the scientific method. May 5, 2010, 83 minutes podcast.
- Suber, Peter. Q&A on Open Access to Research with Peter Suber, event took place on October 20, 2010, at GSLIS, Simmons College. October 31st, 2010. 50 minutes audio.
- Swan, Alma and Jacobs Neil. How to build a business case for an Open Access Policy, from JISC. February 2010, 13 minutes podcast.
- Belliston, Jeff. Podcast #004: Open Access and the Institutional Repository. Academic Evolution, February 7, 2009. 36 minutes podcast.
- Darnton, Robert. Harvard's Open Access Mandates, by JISC, October 28, 2009. 24 minutes podcast
- Prosser, David. Open Access and the future of scholarly communication. Scholarship 2.0: An idea whose time has come, August 14, 2009. An hour podcast
- Swan, Alma. Alma Swan talks with Talis about the Open Access movement. June 19, 2009. 36 minutes podcast
- Wilbanks, John. Creative Commons, Data, Science and more. June 1, 2009. 48 minutes podcast
- Baker, Gavin, The Right to Research: Student involvement in open access to scholarly communication 53 minutes podcast
- Brewster Kahle. Towards Universal Access to All Knowledge. 74 minutes podcast
- Chanson, Hubert, Some Experience with Digital Publishing, Open Access Repository, Research Impact and Quality
- Clifford, Gary, Open Publication Models that Support Authors and Readers. 18 minutes podcast
- Fitzgerald, Anne and Scott Kiel-Chisholm, Managing copyright for open access
- Frost, Ray, The Open Access Repository - a Researcher's Tool
- Houghton, John, Uncovering the social and economic benefits of open access. 28 minutes podcast
- Kingsley, Danny, The Institutional/Disciplinary Divide, a Barrier to Open Access
- Law, Derek, and Bora Zivkovic, Interview on Open Access. The podcast is in Italian, but the interview is in English and it starts at the 22:07 minute point.
- Miller, Paul, Open Archives Initiative and repositories
- Morrison, Heather, Why I am an open access advocate. 6 minutes podcast
- Ober, John, and Douglas Kim, current and incoming co-chairs of ACRL's Scholarly Communications Committee. ACRL Podcast: Support SCOAP 3 Publishing Experiment. 16 minutes podcast
- Prosser, David, The open access argument is won. 12 minutes podcast.
- Schirmbacher, Peter, Wissenschaftliches Publizieren zwischen Tradition und Open Access
- Schirmbacher, Peter, Würde Einstein seine Aufsätze frei im Internet publizieren?. A five-part podcast on OA, based on a discussion with Peter Schirmbacher
- Suber, Peter, interview on Search Engine, on Canada's CBC Radio one, on access to research literature, May 29, 2008. About 7 minutes, starting at minute 13:30.
- Biello, David, talks about OA and the Association of American Publishers campaign on a January 31 podcast from Scientific American. 25 minutes podcast.
- Burnhill, Peter, director of EDINA talks about the Depot, a national repository. 6 minutes podcast.
- Hagemann, Melissa, from the Open Society Institute is being interviewed by Sundar Raman and talks about the history of open access. 60 minutes podcast.
- Kingsley, Danny, Open access and digital repositories
- McGregor, Andy, Promoting open access - how JISC is supporting the development of repositories. 10 minutes podcast.
- Murray-Rust, Peter, from Talis talks about open access and open data. 70 minutes podcast.
- Papin, Ramcharan Jennifer, from the University of West Indies is being interviewed by Sundar Raman on the subject "Are the problems stated by the Open Access movement "real", or just marketing?". 60 minutes podcast.
- Steel, Graham, A discussion about open collaborations/free culture, with the main focus throughout being OA related, a 45-minute interview by Sundar Raman at KRUU FM, taped October 12, 2007.
- Suber, Peter, The historical background for Open Access, the current state of OA around the world, and the challenges posed by traditional publishing companies, a 60-minute interview by Sundar Raman at KRUU FM, taped October 12, 2007.
- Von Hippel, Eric, Openness, innovation and scholarly publishing. 8 minutes podcast.
- Willinsky, John, Open Access: The Sea Change in Scholarly Publishing. 63 minutes podcast.
- Yamey, Gavin, Opening up to open access: Part 1. 77 minutes podcast.
- Guhlin, Miguel, a discussion about the Open Access Publications and Peer-Reviewed Journals/Publications. 20 minutes podcast.
- Joseph, Heather, Executive Director of SPARC in this podcast talks about the activities of SPARC, Alliance for Taxpayer Access, and open access. 22 minutes podcast.
- Miles, Jim, Redefining Open Access for Legal Information. Paper presented at the 2006 Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) Conference (Dubrovnik, June 6, 2005). 27 minutes podcast.
- Miller, Paul, Open Data is not the point'? Oh yes it is. 57 minutes podcast.
- Salo, Dorothea, Open Access for Teachers (originally licensed BY-NC-ND, but author prefers CC-BY). 21 minutes podcast.
- Suber, Peter, Interview on open access by Jon Udell for Infoworld, 41 minuteus, August 18, 2006.
- Willinsky, John, Learning Free of Boundaries Okanagan, British Columbia, May 405, 2006
- Smith, MacKenzie, Associate Director for Technology at the MIT Libraries and the DSpace Project Director talks about the DSpace project. 26 minutes podcast.
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