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Audio about OA

Ross Mounce edited this page Apr 16, 2021 · 1 revision

60px This list is part of the Open Access Directory.

  • This is a list of audio recordings about open access, not audio recordings which happen to be open access.
  • Audios from a particular event, such as a conference, should be listed together. But if the speaker was a solo performance, such as an interview or lecture, then it should be listed by speaker. However, an audio should only be listed in one category.
  • We were not able to find all of the metadata for some of these audios, such as the date, duration, format, or occasion of the recording. Please add this information when you can.
  • Wikidata identifier for this page: Q56229435.
  • Chronological by event and alphabetical by speaker.
  • Related lists in OAD: (1) Educational materials about OA, (2) Events celebrating Open Access Day, (3) Video about OA.
  • For real-time updates, some not yet reflected here, follow the tag of the Open Access Tracking Project.

By event



  • Library engages researchers in open access in Ghana
  • The role of libraries in the open access movement
  • Benefits of open access for researchers
  • Open access in developing countries
  • Knowledge production and dissemination and open access
  • Open access in palestine



  • Openness 2.0 - A series of five podcasts from First Monday Podcast, edited and hosted by AJ Hannah and Joy Austria.


  • Open Access Days 2008 in Berlin (9 and 10 October)
  • Open Access Day 2008 (October 14, 2008) audio events should be listed here.
  • Openness 2.0 - A series of five podcasts from First Monday Podcast, edited and hosted by AJ Hannah and Joy Austria.
  • SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) US focal meeting, Berkeley, February 29



By speaker




  • Kriegsman, Sue. Open Access: A platform to share, an interview by Gerry Bayne, podcast and transcript. July/August 2010, 7 minutes podcast.
  • Lynch, Clifford. Podcast discussion topics include computer forensics and cultural heritage, as well as a symposium at the University of North Texas dealing with a campus policy on open access, from the CNI. May 27, 2010, 62 minutes podcast.
  • Malamud, Carl. The public access Crusade, an interview by Brooke Gladstone podcast and transcript. July 23, 2010, 8 minutes podcast.
  • McGuire, Hugh (Founder of, interview. October 7, 2010.
  • Owen, Sue and Horn, Anne 2010, Open Access : How Open ? How Accessible?. Symposium, Deakin University, Burwood, Vic., 21st October, 2010, Burwood, Vic., Deakin University Library. October 21, 2010120 minutes audio.



  • Law, Derek, and Bora Zivkovic, Interview on Open Access. The podcast is in Italian, but the interview is in English and it starts at the 22:07 minute point.


  • Burnhill, Peter, director of EDINA talks about the Depot, a national repository. 6 minutes podcast.



  • Smith, MacKenzie, Associate Director for Technology at the MIT Libraries and the DSpace Project Director talks about the DSpace project. 26 minutes podcast.
garbage(Die) Zukunft ist jetzt: Digitales Publizieren in der Wissenschaft, from the Deutschlandradio Kultur. May 2010.


  • Openness 2.0 - A series of five podcasts from First Monday Podcast, edited and hosted by AJ Hannah and Joy Austria.


  • Open Access Days 2008 in Berlin (9 and 10 October)
  • Open Access Day 2008 (October 14, 2008) audio events should be listed here.
  • Openness 2.0 - A series of five podcasts from First Monday Podcast, edited and hosted by AJ Hannah and Joy Austria.
  • SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) US focal meeting, Berkeley, February 29



By speaker









  • Smith, MacKenzie, Associate Director for Technology at the MIT Libraries and the DSpace Project Director talks about the DSpace project. 26 minutes podcast.
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