The goal of this project is to create a small java/groovy dsl on top of mule esb. And that it should be very easy to contribute and extend.
Java Example
Mule mule = new Mule();
.on("#[ == 'mariano']").then(log("mariano"))
.on("#[ == 'martin']").then(log("Martin"))
Groovy Example
.on("/motion/forward" , ActionType.PUT)
.on("/motion/backard" , ActionType.PUT)
.on("/motion/left" , ActionType.PUT)
.on("/motion/right" , ActionType.PUT)
Using a Cloud Connector
require "Twitter"
String consumerKey = "";
String consumerSecret = "";
String accessKey = "";
String accessSecret = "";
declare Twitter.config(consumerKey, consumerSecret)
declare flow("main")
.then(setPayload("Your twitter status updated!"))
The require instruction allows to dynamically fetch a module and add it to the execution
require "ModuleName" version "Version" from "url"
- If version is not specified the last one is going to be picked
- Url is only required if the module is in other repository different to central or local
- Supports some mule core element
- Foreach/Choice/Flow/Exception Strategy
- Logger/Set Payload
- Poll
- Supports APIKit
- Basic Scaffolding from raml file.
- Devkit dsl generation from @Module and @Connectors
- Dependency support through require expression
Just use maven
mvn clean install
And a distribution will be generated under goulash/target/
Just unzip it and you have it installed
goulash/bin/ example.groovy
usage: <File>
-c <RAML file> Create a script based on the
specified RAML file.
-get <Dependency Module Name.> Downloads the required
dependency so it is available at
-help Print this message
-i Starts an interactive console
for fast testing.
-list <Dependency Module Version.> The version of the dependency.
If not specified use the latest
-version <Dependency Module Version.> The version of the dependency.
If not specified use the latest