Terraform module template following Standard Module Structure.
Named terraform-<PROVIDER>-<NAME>
. Module repositories must use this three-part name format.
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tmknom/template-terraform-module/master/install | sh -s terraform-aws-sample
cd terraform-aws-sample && make install
Write your Terraform module requirements.
Write your Terraform module providers.
Write your Terraform module inputs.
Write your Terraform module outputs.
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-northeast-1
git clone git@github.com:tmknom/template-terraform-module.git
cd template-terraform-module
make install
apply-complete Run terraform apply examples/complete
apply-minimal Run terraform apply examples/minimal
check-format Check format code
clean Clean .terraform
destroy-complete Run terraform destroy examples/complete
destroy-minimal Run terraform destroy examples/minimal
diff Word diff
docs Generate docs
format Format code
help Show help
install Install requirements
lint Lint code
plan-complete Run terraform plan examples/complete
plan-minimal Run terraform plan examples/minimal
release Release GitHub and Terraform Module Registry
upgrade Upgrade makefile
Bump VERSION file, and run make release
Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.