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An AirSim client library for NodejsS

Programmatically configure and control the Microsoft AirSim simulation environment and hosted virtual cars and multirotor vehicles from a Nodejs app. The TypeScript API is documented and super easy to use. To facilitate your learning a wide range of examples and AirSim settings files is provided.

Blocks World

Quick Start

You will need to have the Nodejs environment installed on your system to complete this Quick Start. See here for instructions.


Create and intialize a Nodejs TypeScript package. Begin by entering the following cmds from a shell:

mkdir airsim-ping
cd airsim-ping
npm init -y
npm i airsim-js
npm i typescript @types/node --save-dev
npx tsc -init


Create a file named ping.ts and add the following code.

// ping.ts - Runs AirSim ping command
import { AirSim, Vehicle } from 'airsim-js';

async function main() {
  // create airsim client; assumes AirSim server is on localhost
  const airsim = new AirSim(Vehicle);
  let result = await airsim.connect();
  console.log('connected: ', result);

  console.log('Calling ping');
  result = await;
  console.log(`result: ${result}`);

  await airsim.confirmConnection();



Compile ping.ts

npx tsc


Next start up an AirSim environment on localhost, e.g., Blocks. You can find prebuilt AirSim binaries (Win,Linux) here.


Run ping.js

node ping.js

Your output should be similar to this:

$ node ping.js
connected:  true
Calling ping
result: true
Client Ver: 1 (Min Req: 1)
Server Ver: 1 (Min Req: 1)

Bingo! you've just developed your first AirSim-js client application.

See the wide range of exmples on github.

API Overview

The majority of the AirSim-js api is Promise-based as communications with an AirSim server is via msgpack-rpc over a TCP socket. The main components you'll work with and their relationships are shown below.

    AirSim ---uses---> Vehicle               CarState           BarometerData
      |                /   ^                 CarControls        DistanceSensorData
     uses             / inherits             CollisionInfo      GpsData
      v              /     |                 CameraInfo         ImuData
   Session<---uses--/   --------             ImageType          LidarData
                        |      |             ImageRequest       Box2
                       Car  Multirotor       ImageResponse      Box3
                                             KinematicsState    Vector2
                                             MultirotorState    Vector3
                                             DrivetrainType     Pose3


The AirSim class is the main entry point to the package. It creates and manages a Session and Vehicles instances. Use the AirSim class to access and control an AirSim environment such as the time-of-day, pause/step/resume, session recording, weather, external cameras, and dynamically add and delete vehicles and draw lines, arrows, messages and transforms.

AirSim Constructor
An AirSim environment host only Car or Multirotor vehicles, never both simultaneously. Therefore the AirSim() constructor requires that you provide a Vehicle type parameter so that getVehciles() knows the proper type of Vehicle to construct and return.


  import { AirSim } from 'airsim-js';

  // minimal parameters, default IP (localhost) and port (41451)
  let airsim = new AirSim(Vehicle);
  let airsim = new AirSim(Car);
  let airsim = new AirSim(Multirotor);

  // localhost, custom port
  let airsim = new AirSim(Car, 80);

  // remote server, default port
  let airsim = new AirSim(Multirotor, undefined, '');

  // remote server, custom port and IP
  let airsim = new AirSim(Vehicle, 41451, '');


The Session class is a gateway for converting API function calls into msgpack-rpc requests/response over a TCP connection with an AirSim server. In general you will not need to directly interact with Session. This class is patterned after the AirSim Python client. When needed use the low-level Session _call() method to interact directly at the msgpack-rpc layer.


The Vehicle class provides the common properties and behaviors for all AirSim vehicles such as a name, api control, position and orientation, sensor data access, collision detection, camera information and requesting images.

example import

  import { Vehicle } from 'airsim-js';

NOTE When accessing a vehicle's cameras with getCameraInfo(cameraName), only use valid camera names. Using an unknown camera name frequently results in the AirSim environment crashing. Use Vehicle.getDefaultCameraNames() for a list of valid camera names.


The Car class extends Vehicle with API for accessing a car's state and controlling its movement. Additionally can create new Car instances and dynamically add them to an AirSim environment. Key classes for working with cars are Car, CarState, CarControls and sensor data access such as LidarData.
example import

  import { Car } from 'airsim-js';

MultiRotor, aka Drone

The Multirotor class extends Vehicle with API for accessing a drone's state and controlling its movement. High-level task-oriented api include: takeoff(), hover(), moveToPosition(), goHome() and land().

Similar to Car, a multirotor instance can be created dynamically and added to an AirSim environment. Key classes when working with multirotors incldue Multirotor, MultirotorState, RotorStates, Camera and the various sensor data.
example import

  import { Multirotor } from 'airsim-js';


The api uses a standalone TypeScript version of the Three.js math module for the following classes:

Additional three.js math classes are available for your application use. You can find more information including my updated fork of the three-math-ts library here.

Examples, How-To's, FAQ - work in progress

AirSim-js wiki
API documentation


Please connect with me on Twitter @ros2jsguy &


TypeScript client library for Microsoft AirSim Simulator




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