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Releases: ropensci/rnassqs

Ag Land, Incl Buildings - Revised

08 Nov 00:06
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Previous release JOSS submission included citations with errors. Citations were not needed so they are dropped in this release.

Ag Land, Incl Buildings

07 Nov 23:38
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Update for JOSS submission, and include a feature request to get valid values of a parameter based on a set of query criteria. For example, user can now query the valid parameters for commodity_desc for a specific county and year instead of for all geographies and years.

Ducks - Operations with Sales

19 Aug 16:40
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This release incorporates improvements to usability and documentation resulting from the rOpensci review process, including:

Queries no longer require listing

Queries can be made both by passing a list of parameters or the parameters themselves directly. These two queries are equivalent:

# Method 1: specify query parameters as function arguments
rnassqs::nassqs(commodity="APPLES", year__GE = 2012)

# Method 2: specify a list of parameters as a single function argument
params <- list(commodity = "APPLES", year__GE = 2012)

Key management is much simplified

Previously rnassqs managed keys in an unnecessarily complicated way. Now the package simply checks if the NASSQS_TOKEN environmental variable is set, and if not suggests how to set it.

Documentation improvements

Many changes to the Getting Started vignette and to function documentation should improve ease of use.

Corn Yields

03 May 16:34
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rnassqs 0.4.0

  • Add automated unit tests that work locally and others that work on CRAN.
  • Improve documentation for core functions.
  • Add parsing for CSV formatted data.
  • Improve authentication.
  • Simplify function calls to eliminate redundant calls.
  • Add working examples and tests.
  • fix name error in the function nassqs_params_values to nassqs_param_values

Fuzzy Slippers

18 Dec 02:16
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This release standardizes some terminology and adds some examples, while also cleaning up some of the documentation.

rnassqs release 0.0.1

10 Jul 18:04
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rnassqs release 0.0.1 Pre-release

R library to interface with the USDA NASS Quickstats API.

Date: Monday, July 10, 2017


  • R >= 3.0
  • httr
  • jsonlite


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