This tiny library base on annotation processing and kotlin-poet
can help you to write Kotlin-style interfaces and make your
code more readable. So lets check which problem it solves:
I'm sure you have such interfaces in your code:
interface Callback {
fun success(response: String, code: Int)
fun error(errorCode: Int)
Then if you need to use it, probably you have something like this:
someClass.setCallback(object : Callback {
override fun success(response: String, code: Int) {
override fun error(errorCode: Int) {
With @Trembita
you could write more attractive interfaces. Here is an example:
First that you need, just add @Trembita
annotation to your interface
interface Callback {
fun success(response: String, code: Int)
fun error(errorCode: Int)
Then rebuild a project, and add method for interface initialization to class where you are going to use interface instance:
class SomeClass {
lateinit var callBack: Callback
fun setListener(init: TrembitaCallback.() -> Unit) {
callBack = TrembitaCallback().apply(init)
fun responseReceived() {
callBack.success("response", 200)
So now your interface implementation will look like this:
someClass.setListener {
success { response, code -> processResponse(response, code) }
error { _ -> }
Now you can use lambdas and the whole Kotlin power. One more important thing is that all methods are optional
Implementation Add this code to your build.gradle in project level:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Then add this two dependencies to your module:
compile 'com.github.root1991.Trembita:trembita-processor:0.1.0-alpha'
compile 'com.github.root1991.Trembita:trembita-annotations:0.1.0-alpha'
Problems that would be fixed in following releases
- You should rebuild the project after adding
annotation - Library supports only methods that return
- Library does not support properties in interfaces
PS: If you have any suggestions or bugs, please create issues or Pull Requests.