HAProxy which stands for High Availability proxy, is open-source software for TCP and HTTP protocols. Noted for its speed and lightweight framework, it is one of the industry’ most opted load balancers. During high-traffic days such as holidays and festive seasons, hundreds and thousands of concurrent users may end up hitting e-commerce sites like Magento, at such instances, it forms critical to balance the server’s workload.
Here our load-balancer HAProxy CentOS7 server having hostname as haproxy with IP address
Client Web Servers Setup I have two CentOS7 VM's, with apache2 installed.
hostname = backend1.example.com IP=
hostname= backend2.example.com IP=
Step 1: Installing Apache on Client Machines
- yum install httpd Apache has installed open the browser and type the client VM IP= and
Step 2: Installing HAProxy Server
- yum install haproxy openssl-devel Install HAProxy on master node
Step 3: Configure HAProxy Open the config file of HAProxy
- vim /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
For checking syntax errors, use the command:
sudo haproxy -c -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg