Compiled toolchain for raspberry pi, using crosstools-ng 1.19.0. For x64 linux system.
Build was made with the following configurations of crosstools-ng-1.19.0. Build roadmap based on this manual
- Сrosstool-NG source
- Extract tar archive into directory, for example /home/romanjoe/crosstool-ng-1.17.0
- Run command ./configure --prefix=/home/romanjoe/crosstool-ng-1.17.0
- Run make, then make install
- Run PATH=$PATH:/home/romanjoe/crosstool-ng-1.17.0/bin
- Run ct-ng menuconfig and check the following options:
** Cross-gdb
** Enable python scripting
** gdbserver
** Build s static gdbserver ** Show Linaro versions -> gdb version (linaro-7-6-2013.05)
Make sure subversion is instaled, it need to download eglibc, while build (sudo apt-get install subversion).
Run ct-ng build after configuration made.
Register new compilator PATH=$PATH:/home/romanjoe/x-tools/bin