This is a hybrid mobile application built using React Native/Expo, Google Firebase, React Navigation and UIKitten. React Native/Expo is used for building the front end, while Firebase is used for data management and storage. React Navigation is for enabling navigation across the different screens, while UIKitten is used for rendering the components in each screen. The application is a digital to-do-list, utilizing tools and services that help with improving productivity and organization during the day.
To install Expo, add the following into your system's command line:
npm install -g expo-cli
To install UIKitten, add the following into your system's command line:
npm i @ui-kitten/components @eva-design/eva react-native-svg
Install React Navigation using the following command:
npm install @react-navigation/native
To install Firebase, use the command:
npm install firebase
To run the project, use the command expo start