Releases: rols1/Kodi-Addon-FlickrExplorer
Releases · rols1/Kodi-Addon-FlickrExplorer
- Modul updater: Aktualisierung adjust_line für Kodi 20 Nexus.
- RequestUrl: ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) changed to ssl.create_default_context() for security reasons.
- RequestUrl: UrlopenTimeout changed from 3 to 10 (sec).
- ShowPhotoObject: for albums-lists api-call photos.getSizes added to get the sizes-list for every photo in the loop. If no Original-mark is found, the addon takes the last list-entry (ascending sorted).
- BuildPath: added api-method for getting photos from photosets (albums)
- MyAlbumsSingle: photoset_id added for BuildPath.
- MyAlbums: Fix building more-Buttons (page -> page_next).
- BuildPages: maxPageContent (flickr: per_page) in build-loop added.
- new function del_slides in modul util_flickr: cache-deletion with dialog.
- Settings DICT_store_days: term delete added.
- Language file de.json: Fix '.' -> ','
- Language files: terms für cache-deletion added.
- L: py2_encode for comparison term1/string.
- BuildPath: BuildExtras now included for all photosets (albums were missed).
- MyAlbums: title unescaped.
- fanart.png changed to fanart.jpg (dto. in addon.xml).
- Icons replaced: plugin-update.png, icon.png.
- Matrix-Adaption 9.0-alpha 2: change xbmc.translatePath -> xbmcvfs.translatePath via try/except.
- Matrix-Adaption in modul util_flickr: set xbmc.LOGNOTICE/xbmc.LOGINFO dependent on PY2/PY3.
- Search: list of last search-terms added (max. 25)
- BuildPath: quoting for query terms to prevent url errors.
0.6.9 not on Github
- Updater-Modul: update adjust_AddonXml - consideration of changes in addon.xml by addon-external tools (change of position of fields).
- Dialog-Calls for Kodi Matrix adapted:
- new function MyDialog (Modul util_tunein2017) added.
- xbmcgui.Dialog().ok replaced with MyDialog().
- xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno replaced with MyDialog(ok=False).
- Special search mark '#' replaced with '&' (coding problem -> missing pics), Main, Search_Work and BuildPath adapted.
- ShowPhotoObject: setThumbnailImage in ListItem replaced with setArt (removed in Kodi Matrix).
- update (Modul Updater): new function adjust_AddonXml - adjust python-version in fresh installed addon.xml (e.g. "3.0.0" if Kodi 19 is running).
- Adaptation Kodi Matrix (compatibility Python2/Python3:
- Modul updater: replaced with update-Modul from TuneIn2017.
- addon.xml: dependency for script.module.kodi-six added.
- Tests with Windows10 + Kodi Matrix (Git:20191128-19f60fecab) OK.
0.6.5 not on github
- Adaptation Kodi Matrix (compatibility Python2/Python3:
- Main / SearchUpdate: Fix reaction on Github-problem (interpretation of updater return was wrong).
- Main: getHeaders removed (also in util_flickr) - not used.
- Main: try/except for building OS_DETECT-string (IOError possible on iOS ARM 32-bit).
- All quoted args for fparams treated with py2_encode, all UtfToStr-calls removed.
0.6.4 not on github
- Adaptation Kodi Matrix (compatibility Python2/Python3:
- Modul util_flickr: decode('utf-8') replaced from ADDON_PATH, msg.encoding removed in PLog(), old content in UtfToStr() replaced with py2_encode, all in-Args in addDir treated with py2_encode, all terms in repl_json_chars() set to unicode, dto. in unescape(), dto. in transl_json, dto. in repl_json_chars, no page.decode('utf-8') in RequestUrl if content is video.
- RLoad (Modul util_tunein2017): encoding="utf8" for reading file on PYTHON3.