Repository for the development of the FitHub app How long does it take to figure out what to wear in the morning? How many pieces of clothes do you have? Can you even estimate it? Exactly. How are you supposed to pair the perfect top with the perfect bottom, in a timely fashion, without knowing every single item in your closet or dresser? That’s why we created FitHub, a hub for all of your outfits. Our easy-to-use interface allows you to input your clothes into the virtual closet, so you don’t have to tear apart your wardrobe looking for ideas on what to wear. Our software also lets you mix and match clothes, favorite outfits, plan outfits for the week, and our exclusive color algorithm will recommend clothes that will go well with the type of event, and the rest of your fit. Don’t waste any more time cleaning up after trying on too many outfits.
Install Node using the link:
Install Git using the link:
Keep all installer settings default
Open any terminal and type:
git clone
Then type:
cd fithub-app
Install server files using commands:
cd fithub_mongodb/server
npm i express mongoose morgan cors dotenv nodemon cookie-parser crypto express-validator jsonwebtoken uuidv1
cd ../client
npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/icons-material react react-dom react-router-dom react-scripts web-vitals react-toastify
Start client side by typing:
npm start
Open a second terminal and type:
cd fithub-app/fithub_mongodb/server
npm start
Please contact us at for troubleshooting issues, and any comments or concerns.
Run the following commands to install libraries if you only have basic npm libraries
cd /fithub_mongodb/server
npm i express mongoose morgan cors dotenv nodemon cookie-parser crypto express-validator jsonwebtoken uuidv1
cd ../client
npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/icons-material react react-dom react-router-dom react-scripts web-vitals react-toastify
Open two terminals in VSCode
In one terminal: Go to server directory and start app
cd /server
npm start
In the other terminal: Go to client directory and start app
cd /client
npm start