🚀 Exciting Internship Project at CipherByte Technologies- "Banky"! 🎉
I am thrilled to announce the completion of my latest project - Banky! 🌟
🎯 Project Details:
Banky is a simulation of a Basic Banking System that allows Users to Create Accounts, Login, Deposit and Withdraw Funds, and Transfer Funds between Accounts. This project provides an opportunity to explore fundamental concepts of Object-Oriented Programming, Data Persistence using Databases, and Basic Transaction Handling.
💡 Key Features:
✅ User Registration & Login
✅ Account Creation
✅ Debit and Credit Transactions
✅ Money Transfer Between Accounts
✅ Balance Inquiry
✅ Robust Security Measures
🛠 Technologies Used:
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
MySQL (Database system)
🎓 Learning Experience:
Building this project taught me a lot about Core-Java, JDBC, MySQL development. I faced challenges and grew as a developer with each step.
📢 I'd love to hear your thoughts!
🤝 Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues and pull requests.
🔍 Looking forward to your feedback and support as I continue my journey in the world of development.
😊 Happy coding!💻
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