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Resource Usage Manager for Slack

Want to try the hosted version of this app? Install it to your Slack account from

Project Summary

Use LockThat to keep track of your team's shared resources and who is using them. No more pesky messages like "Is anyone using the test site?", just run /lockthat lock test-site and you'll either get to use the test site or you'll get to know who is using it. Run /lockthat help to learn more about the app.

Note: LockThat does not prevent multiple people from using the same resource. It works on an honor system!

Example Slack Commands

  • /lockthat help: Display help text with information about all the commands you can use with LockThat.
  • /lockthat create test-site: Register a new resource called test-site.
  • /lockthat lock test-site: Lock test-site for your use for 24 hours.
  • /lockthat lock test-site 12 d super secret project: Lock test-site for 12 days, along with a message about why you're using it. You can also lock a resource for other specific periods of time. Eg: 30 days, 2 hours, 5 weeks, or 1 month.
  • /lockthat unlock test-site: Unlock test-site and make it available for others to use.
  • /lockthat delete test-site: Deregister test-site from the LockThat app.
  • /lockthat list: Get a list of all the resources registered with LockThat.

Run the project locally

  • Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements/local.txt.
  • Run DynamoDB: docker compose up -d.
  • Start the webserver: python
  • Run tests: pytest

Instructions to self host

Commands to setup the backend on AWS

  • Install and setup Serverless

  • Install node dependencies listed in package.json required by Serverless.

  • Configure the following environment variables:

    • Values obtained while registering the Slack app:
      • HOLD_SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN - Slack verification token
      • HOLD_SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET - Slack signing secret
      • HOLD_SLACK_CLIENT_ID - Slack client id
      • HOLD_SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET - Slack client secret
    • Values obtained while registering the Sentry app:
      • HOLD_SENTRY_DSN - Sentry DSN
  • sls create_domain to create the specified domain on AWS.

  • sls deploy --stage prod to update the CF stack.

  • sls deploy function --function app --stage prod to update just the function code without any infra changes.

Register Slack app

  • TODO

Registering Sentry app

  • TODO


  • Run the webserver in a Docker container for local development.
  • Add instructions in README on how to set up a custom Slack app for self hosted backend.
  • Improve test coverage and set up Github actions to run tests.
  • Add documentation & OpenAPI specs related to supported endpoints.