This project it's Standar WebPack Configuration for JavaScript Projects that allow to skip The fundamentals configuration, to summarize is just neccesary to clone this projecto when ever a web project it will be developed.
Once you clone this project you only need to navigate to the folder of this project and there execute the nexts steps by cmd or git bash or vs terminal
First one -> download the libraries that are referenced in the package.json file
npm install
Second one -> It is necessary to build the application which is disarmed in the webpack project once the command is executed, the application will be armed and can be customized
npm run build
Finally -> If you want to run the application , test live changes , etc you have yo execute
npm start
Advantages of WebPack
Manage dependencies
Deploy temporary servers on the pc for testing, qa (improve code through trial and error)
Load modules, reuse code from others, reducing time and effort
Minimize code
Compile from TypeScript to JavaScript
It allows conditioning the web application by validating how to deploy the application depending on the characteristics of the environment (browser, computer, ecmascript version, etc)