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Where are repositories and logs stored?

Rodolfo Herrera Hernandez edited this page Sep 11, 2024 · 1 revision

All platform repositories, along with their respective logs, are stored in /var/lib/quantum. This directory is automatically created whether you deploy with or without Docker.

Please be aware that all information related to your Quantum instance and users will persist in this directory. If you opt to use the software's CLI and select "delete database and related", this directory will be emptied accordingly.

In the .env file or its .env.example counterpart, you'll encounter a variable named NODE_ENV, accepting either production or development as values. Based on this assignment, or any value you specify, a corresponding directory will be generated within /var/lib/quantum to house the persistent data associated with that particular execution mode.

For instance, when NODE_ENV is set to development, data like logs and user repositories will reside in /var/lib/quantum/development/. Conversely, when NODE_ENV is production, the data will be located in /var/ lib/quantum/production.

The way platform content is managed within /var/lib/quantum/ is quite simple. Well, the containers directory stores a list of directories where each of them will have as its name the id of the user to whom a respective container belongs. Let's remember that each user will have their own Docker instance where they can host their repositories, and in the containers directory there will be the directories of all the users registered on the platform. When you enter a container, it will house two directories, github-repos and logs, where in the github-repos directory all the user's cloned repositories will be stored (which are named after the id that they have in the database), while in the logs directory there will be the records associated with these repositories already mentioned as well as the records associated with the user's Cloud Console within the platform.