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Releases: rodrimati1992/structural_crates

0.4.3 release

01 Aug 03:27
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This release adds the ability to derive the FromStructural and TryFromStructural traits.


  • Added opt-in FromStructural/TryFromStructural derivation, with the #[struc(from_structural)] helper attribute of the Structural derive.


  • Bumped the as_derive_utils dependency to 0.8.3, which works around a false positive lifetime error in some nightly and beta rustc versions.

The 0.4.0 release

16 May 20:15
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This release introduces by value access for multiple fields, access from 9 to 64 fields at the same time, and the structural conversion traits.


(This was copied from the file)

  • Changed Into*Field traits to support moving out fields.

  • Defined StructuralExt::into_fields and StrucWrapper::vals method,
    to convert a type into multiple fields by value.

  • Defined FromStructural,TryFromStructural,Intotructural,and TryIntotructural traits
    to convert between structural types.

  • Defined z_impl_from_structural,and z_impl_try_from_structural_for_enum macros to
    implement the structural conversion traits more conveniently.

  • Implemented *FromStructural traits for std types that implement accessor traits.

  • Defined the StructuralExt::into_struc,StructuralExt::try_into_struc,
    StrucWrapper::into_struc,and StrucWrapper::try_into_struc methods,
    which delegate to the structural conversion traits.

  • Defined the FieldCloner wrapper type,
    to allow types with real-only access to fields to provide by-value access to those fields,
    by cloning them.

  • Removed the accessor methods that take a Box<Self> parameter.

  • Made IntoField unsafe to implement,to reqqire that the move_out_field_ method doesn't
    move out the same field as other impls for the same type
    (the same requirement for IntoVariantField).

  • Added ownership submodule in structural::field,
    with traits and types for moving out fields and dropping the type afterwards,
    the most important being:

    • DropFields: Methods for dropping the type before and after some fields are moved out.

    • MovedOutFields: 64 bit drop flags,storing which fields have been moved out.

    • PrePostDropFields: For use by implementation macros,
      to define logic that runs after some fields were moved out,
      before and after the remaining fields are dropped.

  • Added DropFields as a supertrait of Into*Field,
    to drop the type after some fields were been moved out.

  • Added structural::structural_aliases module with structural aliases for std types,
    moving the array and tuple structural aliases into it.

  • Moved ArrayPath and IsPathForArray to the structural::path::array_paths module.

  • Added a check that there aren't more than 64 struct/variant fields accessible by value,
    since that's the amount of fields that MovedOutFields can track.

  • Added the ShallowFieldPath marker trait for non-nested field paths (and path sets).

  • Added the RevMoveOutFieldImpl trait to move out a shallow field,
    RevIntoMultiField* to convert a type into multiple fields by value,
    and RevMoveOutMultiField* to move out multiple shallow fields.

  • Moved out the Err associated type out of RevGetFieldImpl into the new RevFieldErr trait,
    made that a supertrait of all single field Rev* traits.

  • Removed the lifetime parameter of RevIntoField*,and made RevFieldErr its only supertrait.

  • Defined the RevIntoFieldRef and OptRevIntoFieldRef trait aliases.

  • Added these attributes for the Structural derive:

    • #[struc(pre_post_drop_fields)]:
      When the type is converted into its fields by value,
      this adds calls to the PrePostDropFields methods before and after the remaining fields
      are dropped in DropFields.

    • #[struc(pre_move="foo")]:
      Right before type is converted into its fields by value,
      this adds a call to the foo function,acting as the destructor for the type.

  • In updating VariantProxy to implement DropFields,
    it aborts the process if the enum changes the active variant in its DropFields::pre_move impl.

  • Added support for accessing from 9 up to 64 fields,
    returning a tuple of (8 element) tuples when 9 or more fields are accessed.

  • Defined these items to access over 8 fields:

    • DerefNested trait: to dereference tuples of *mut into tuples of &mut.

    • LargePathSet struct: to have separate implementations for 9 up to 64 fields,
      implemented for FieldPathSet<LargePathSet<_>,_>.

    • field_pat macro: to destructure tuples of accessed fields of any length,
      without writing nested tuples over 8 fields.

    • path_tuple macro: usable when constructing a FieldPathSet<LargePathSet<_>,_>s manually.

    • FieldPathSet::large function: to construct a FieldPathSet<LargePathSet<_>,_>,

  • Fixed fp!(foo=>bar) reverse accessor impls.

  • Defined the RunOnDrop helper type,to run code on Drop.

  • Added support in switch macro for by-value destructuring of fields.

  • Removed the macros to implement the box_into_*field methods.

  • Removed the IntoField impls for:

    • RangeInclusive: since those couldn't be partially moved.

    • ManuallyDrop: since nested field access drops fields.

The 0.3 release

01 Apr 03:32
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This release comes with support for enums, as well as many small to medium sized features.


(This was copied from the file)

Added support for enums,
defining the GetVariantField GetVariantFieldMut IntoVariantField traist for enums,
the IntoVariantFieldMut trait alias, and GetVariantFieldType type alias.

Moved the GetField::Ty to the newly created FieldType trait,
supertrait of both GetField and GetVariantField.

Changed output of single "path component" (non nested field/variant/variant field access)
fp or FP macro invocation from FieldPath<(S,)> to S.

Renamed GetFieldExt trait to StructuralExt.

Renamed FieldPath to NestedFieldPath,since they are always for nested fields.

Added the StrucWrapper wrapper type,
which defines inherent method equivalents of all StructuralExt methods,
with shorter method names.

Moved type_level::field_path to the root module and renamed it to path,
moved the TStr,NestedFieldPath,FieldPathSet
to the root module for error messages to be shorter.

Moved field accessor traits to the structural::field module.

Declared these structs in the root module:

  • VariantName (what FP!(::Variant) desugars to),for accessing an enum variant.
  • VariantField (what FP!(::Variant.field) desugars to),for accessing a variant field.
  • NestedFieldPathSet (what FP!(foo=>bar,baz) desugars to),
    for accessing multiple fields from inside a nested field/variant.

Made string literals/integers/identifiers usable as varianble and field names
in the field path macros,
using the string literals to implement arbitrary identifiers.

Added ? syntactic sugar for field path macros,to get the value of an option field.
? is sugar because it's transformed into ::Some.0 as soon as it's parsed.

Fixed a few parsing errors in field path macros due to 0.1 being tokenized
as a float literal
(tricky in combination with the rest of the syntax that those macros support)

Changed representation of NestedFieldPath,FieldPathSet to store their tuple type parameter
as a field (the same for VariantName,VariantField,NestedFieldPathSet),
constructible from their fields by value
(some with a constructor,some with the struct literal).

Also changed how FieldPathSet/NestedFieldPathSet with a UniquePaths are
constructed to using Type::NEW.upgrade_unchecked().

Replaced all core_extensions::MarkerType impls with core_extensions::ConstDefault
to allow field paths to be constructed from non-zero-sized types.

Defining these trait to the generated code for enums:

  • *_SI: Which aliases accessor trait impls of the enum.

  • *_ESI: similar to the *_SI with the additional requirement that the
    variant count and names must match exactly.

  • *_VC(opt-in): The amount of variants in the enum as a decimal TStr.

Added *_VSI trait to the generated code for structs,
to use it as the bound for an enum variant with compatible fields.

Changed the field_path_aliases macro to also accept a module as an argument,
removing field_path_aliases_module.

Exposing the TStr type-level string type publically.
Using TS to get the type(in a type context),and ts to construct it.

Defined the tstr_aliases macro,similar to field_path_aliases but for
TStr(the type-level string type).

Defined the VariantProxy type to access variant fields directly.

Defined the EnumExt trait to construct VariantProxy fallibly.

Defined the IsVariant trait to query whether the current variant is a particular one,
adding StructuralExt::is_variant that delegates to this for convenience.

Defined the VariantCount trait to get the amount of variants as a decimal TStr,
eg: TS!(9),TS!(17),etc.

Defined the switch macro,to match on structural enums,either exhaustive or nonexhaustive.

Updated structural_alias macro to also support enums,and defaulted constants/functions.

Added these attributes to structural aliases(usable on each trait):

  • #[struc(debug_print)]:
    Panics at compile-time,printing the what structural_alias outputs for the trait.

  • #[struc(exhaustive_enum)]: marks the structural alias as being for an exhaustive enum.

  • #[struc(and_exhaustive_enum)]:
    Creates a subtrait of this structural alias for an exhaustive versioned of the aliased enum.

Added impl_struct macro to get an impl Trait for a structural struct type,
with permutations of the GetField GetFieldMut IntoField IntoFieldMut traits.

Defined example types used in documentation examples in for_examples.

Removed the type metadata in Structural trait,
and removed StructuralDyn because it interacted badly with enums.

Added generated documentation for public items,and Structural trait impls.

Added these attributes to the Structural derive:

  • #[struc(bound="T:Trait")]: to add bounds to the generated impls

  • #[struc(replace_bounds="Trait<@variant>")] attribute for enum variants,
    to replace the bound for the fields of the enum variant with the ones passed to the attribute.
    @variant arguments are replaced with TS!( Foo ),
    where Foo is the name of the variant that the attribute was used on.

  • #[struc(newtype)] attribute for newtype enum variants,
    delegating field accessors to the wrapped type.
    This attribute has an optional argument to do what #[struc(replace_bounds)] does.

  • #[struc(variant_count_alias)] attribute for enums,
    that outputs *_VC (a type alias with the amount of variants in the enum as a decimal TStr )
    along with the rest of the rest of the generated code.

  • #[struc(no_docs)]: disables the docs in generated code.

  • #[non_exhaustive]:
    This built-in #[non_exhaustive] attribute marks an enum as having non-exhaustive variants,
    changing the generated code to not rely on the amount of variants of the enum,
    and disallowing exhaustive matching with the switch macro.

Changed these attributes:

  • #[struc(delegate_to) now accepts optional arguments for
    additional bounds on the accessor trait impls.

  • #[struc(rename="foo") is now also usable on variants.

Renamed the delegation macro to unsafe_delegate_structural_with,updated it to handle enums,
added the specialization_params parameter to specify how specialization of
the raw pointer accessor method works.

Added impls of accessor traits for:

  • arrays up to 32 elements.

  • Option:with regular Some and None variants

  • Result:with regular Ok and Err variants (eg:using fp!(::Ok.0) to access T)

Added structural aliases for arrays and tuples (up to the implemented sizes).

Improved the docs for virtually everything,
including by having examples for enums in everything that's for both enums and structs.

Replaced IsFieldPath and IsFieldPathSet with IsSingleFieldPath IsMultiFieldPath,
implementing them for all the types that implement the corresponding Rev* traits,
making their supertraits just Sized.

Changed StructuralExt to accept any argument implementing the appropriate Rev* trait,
where before it would only *Path* types defined in the structural crate.

Added back the what used to be the GetMultiField traits as the
RevGetMultiFieldImpl and RevGetMultiFieldMutImpl traits.

Defined RevGetMultiField and RevGetMultiFieldextension traits that
transform the Result<_,_> returned by Rev*MultiField*Impl traits
into T or Option<T> depending on the error type.

Removed MutRef entirely,replacing all its uses with raw pointers.

Removed the RevIntoFieldImpl::rev_box_into_field method

Renamed RevGetField/RevGetFieldMut/RevIntoField to
and changed them to return a single field,

Made RevGetFieldImpl a supertrait of both RevGetFieldMutImpl and RevIntoFieldImpl,
with RevGetFieldMut as an unsafe trait.

Those traits also have trait aliases,
named [Opt]RevGetField/[Opt]RevGetFieldMut/[Opt]RevIntoField/[Opt]RevIntoFieldMut.

Defined use_const_str and nightly_use_const_str features to use const generics as an
implementation detail of TStr.
Also defined the disable_const_str feature to disable const generics if there's
a bug in the compiler,and other libraries also use them.

Removed the FieldPath1 type alias.

Removed From impls for field paths.

Removed the utils::coerce_slice function.

Added NormalizeFields trait,
for returning both optional and non-optional fields from StructuralExt,

Added IsFieldErr marker trait for the valid error types (FailedAccess and InfallibleAccess),
and the CombinedErrs trait to get the optionality of a nested field.

Defined the z_raw_borrow_enum_field macro,for raw borrowing of enums.

Defined the z_unsafe_impl_get_vfield_raw_mut_fn macro,
to implement function-pointer-getter methods.

Defined the IntoAliasing trait and IntoAliasingOut type alias,
to get a field path set type which can only be used to get shared access to multiple fields.


  • Bumped the minimum supported Rust version to 1.40,
    so that proc macros in type position could be used in examples.

  • Added generational_arena depedency to structural_derive crate.

  • Bumped core_extensions dependency to 0.1.15 for structural crate.

The 0.2 release

28 Nov 00:56
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This release brings a lot of small to medium sized improvements to the library,starting with a syntax for accessing nested fields.


(This was copied from the file)

Replaced field identifiers with field paths,
which can represent both nested fields .a.b.c(with the FieldPath type),
as well as accessing multiple fields .a, .b, .foo.c (with the FieldPathSet type).

Replaced ti and TI macros with fp and FP macros.

Simplified the definition of GetFieldMut,removing the as_mutref method.
Also replaced get_field_mutref with get_field_raw_mut,
which takes in an erased raw pointer,and returns a raw pointer to a field.

Removed GetMultiField* traits,replacing them with RevField* traits,
used for both nested field access (when FieldPath implements it),
as well as multiple field access (when FieldPathSet implements it).

Renamed "better_ti" and "nightly_better_ti" cargo features to
"better_macros" and "nightly_better_macros"

Fixed make_struct to allow nested invocations of the macro,
like make_struct!{ foo:make_struct!{ bar:() } }.

Added field initialization shorthand syntax to make_struct,
eg:let foo=0; make_struct!{ foo }.

Changed default field access to mutable,and by value.
(before it was defaulted to shared access).

Changed structural_alias to allow declaring multiple traits.

Renamed implementation macros to include a z_ prefix,
including these:

  • z_delegate_structural_with
  • z_impl_box_into_field_method
  • z_unsafe_impl_get_field_raw_mut_method

Added impls of accessor traits for & and &mut,
so that the GetFieldExt methods can be called on trait object references
without dereferencing them.

Removed the Structural::Fields associated type,since it was serving no purpose.

Added a "rust_1_40" features,which enables the "better macros" feature,
and is automatically enabled by the build script.

Added impl Trait fields in structural_alias macro,
with "impl_fields" and "nightly_impl_fields" cargo features to enable them.

Added #[struc(impl=">trait_bounds>")] helper attribute to Structural derive macro,
which affects the generated <deriving_type>_SI trait,
this is equivalent to using an impl Trait field in the structural_alias macro
(including requiring the "impl_fields" to enable support for the attribute).

Added a #[struc(delegate_to)] helper attribute in Structural,
for delegating the implementation of the Structural and accessor trait impls to a field.

Added GetFieldType2,GetFieldType3,GetFieldType4 type aliases to access
nested fields.

Added RevGetFieldType_ trait,and RevGetFieldType type alias,
to query the type of a nested field.

Rewrote many examples that operate on concrete types to operate on a generic type,
inside a function.

Changes to z_delegate_structural_with:

- Requires a trailing comma in `impl[T,]`

- Renamed `field_ty` argument to `delegating_to_type`

- Added `field_name_param=( field_name : FieldName );` argument.

- Added `as_delegating_raw{ ..... }` argument,
  to get a raw pointer to the delegated to variable.

Implements accessor traits for arrays up to 32 elements.

Added structural aliases for arrays up to 32 elements,and tuples up to 12 elements.

Added type-level integers and std::cmp::{Ordering,Ord} equivalents,
for use by array impls of accessor traits.

Hid {TString,TList,TNil,chars},turning them into an implementation detail of structural.
For TString this is so that it can be replaced with
pub struct TString<const STR:&'static str>;.

For advanced users:
Added traits and types for manipulating field paths on the type-level,
inside of structural::type_level::collection_traits.