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OAuth2 Authentication for Android

OAuth2 implementation for Android, I used some library's in this project like:

Retrofit -

OkHttp -

I used a SharedPreferences to save Token on device, but it's only example! You can use what you want to encrypt your token and save after that.

Base URL

object APISettings {
    val base = "YOUR BASE URL"

Auth and Refresh endpoint

interface AuthAPI {

     * Your endpoint of auth
    fun auth(@Body auth: Auth): Call<Token>

     * Your endpoint of refresh your token
    fun refresh(@Body refreshAuth: Refresh): Call<Token>

Token object

data class Token(val scope: String,
                 val token_type: String,
                 var expires_in: Long,
                 val refresh_token: String,
                 val id_token: String,
                 val access_token: String) : Serializable