Users should be able to:
- Sign in
- Sign up
- Update their personal information
- View detailed information on the Dashboard page
- Access detailed information about orders on the Orders page
- TypeScript - Typed programming language that builds on JavaScript
- React.js - JavaScript Library
- Axios - Amazing client HTTP library for web and node.
- Tanstack Query - Amazing and powerful asynchronous state management.
- Shadcn/ui - Styled, accessible and responsive components for building high‑quality web apps in React.
- Tailwind CSS - A amazing utility-first CSS framework.
- Lucide React - Beautiful & consistent icon library.
- Sonner - An opinionated toast component for React.
- Zod - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference.
- Shadcn/ui - This is an amazing component library which helped me create accessible components. I'd recommend it to anyone still use this library.
- GitHub - @rodrigoqueiroz12
- LinkedIn - @rodrigoqueiroz