Arduino + processing rbg led strip controlling
Receives a [] int value via serial where xxx is a integer between 0 and 255 (In this example is used a . as delimiter, but whatever character that ins't a number works).
Color code can be sent by whatever program that can estabilish a serial connection with arduino. (Including terminal)
Processing code is basically a GUI to set rgb and luminance values easily.
RGB color mixer and luminance bar.
Python is used only to generate a cie1931 gamma correction table (8 bit to match arduino pwm)
Thanks to Jared Sanson
Available at
- Pick a RGB value from RGB color mixer
- Apply luminance to rgb values
- Send values via serial to arduino
- Receive RGB values (with luminance applied)
- Adjust individual RGB colors to reduce color deviance (based on led specific)
- Adjust gamma to improve color accuracy
- Send values to leds
//max color led values
#define maxRed 255
#define maxGreen 90
#define maxBlue 57