It is written in Java 11 using Spring Boot framework. It is deployed and published with AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
- API Documentation: Swagger
- IDE: IntelliJ Idea
- Plugins:
- Java SDK: Amazon Corretto 11
- Build tool: Apache Maven
- Database: MySql
- Migration Tool: Flyway
- Important Libraries:
- Spring Boot
- Hibernate ORM
- LogBack
- Recommendations:
- DBeaver (Database Viewer)
- Make your Intellij Idea connected to database.
- Amazon Corretto 11
- MySql Database
- S3 Space
- Clone repository.
- Open project with Intellij Idea and let it install maven dependencies.
- Table:
- Model: PascalCase (singular) (CompanyUser)
- SQL: snake_case (plural) (example: company_users)
- Column:
- Model: camelCase (refreshToken)
- SQL: snake_case (example: refresh_token)