This was originally written before discovering
Nose is a small, freshly-shaven yak to grab random elements from a
list without invoking either the cl-lib
or seq
Why? You're asking the wrong question.
Why not? That's an even worse question because I don't have an answer!
Returns a number between 0 and the length of the collection.
(nose-random-index COLLECTION)
(mapcar #'nose-random-index (make-list 4 (number-sequence 0 9)))
;; => (0 8 9 3), for example
Returns a random element from the collection.
(nose-pick COLLECTION)
;; Example #1: Pick a number between 1 and 10.
(nose-pick (number-sequence 1 10))
;; 4, for example.
;; Example #2: Polyhedral die roller
(defun d* (sides &optional amount)
"Return a sequence of die rolls between 1 and SIDES."
(let ((die (number-sequence 1 sides)))
(mapcar #'nose-pick (make-list (or amount 1) die))))
;; => d*
(defun d (sides &optional amount)
"Return the sum of the dice rolled."
(apply #'+ (d* sides amount)))
;; => d
(d 6 3) ; Roll 3d6, or three six-sided dice and tally the sum.
;; => 13, for example
Returns a sample of elements from a collection.
These elements are collected into a list and has a length of the
amount given.
If amount
is nil, only one element is collected.
For collecting a single element, it's better to use
unless you need it in a list.
(nose-sample COLLECTION &optional AMOUNT)
;; Let's say I'm some hideous dæmon with three swords that can perform
;; three attacks per round.
;; I wonder who shall fall victim to my thirsty blade...
(let ((party '(fighter thief magic-user dwarf elf)))
(nose-sample party 3))
;; => (magic-user elf elf), for example
;; Hope you have good evasion saving rolls, puny elf!
Returns a sample of elements from a collection without replacement.
These elements are collected into a list and has a length of the
amount given.
If amount
is nil, only one element is collected.
For collecting a single element, it's better to use
unless you need it in a list.
(nose-sample* COLLECTION &optional AMOUNT)
(setq party '(fighter thief magic-user dwarf elf))
;; Sample, but using the whole party.
(nose-sample* '(fighter thief magic-user dwarf elf) 5)
;; => (elf dwarf magic-user fighter thief)
;; Guaranteed no repeats!
;; Well, unless your collection itself has repeats.
(nose-sample* '(fighter thief magic-user dwarf elf) 3)
;; => (fighter magic-user dwarf)
Returns a subsequence of a collection.
- Optional END argument
- Handle negative arguments
(nose-subseq COLLECTION START &optional END)
(let ((tens (number-sequence 0 9)))
(nose-subseq tens 4)
(nose-subseq tens 2 8)))
;; => ((4 5 6 7 8 9) (2 3 4 5 6 7))
;; A demonstration of missing END and included END.
Remove the nth element from a collection.
(nose-remove-nth COLLECTION INDEX)
(let ((not-stooges '(eeny meeny miney curly moe)))
;; Uh wait a minute, index 3 doesn't look right!
(nose-remove-nth not-stooges 3))
;; => (eeny meeny miney moe)
Generates a list of values returned from a function.
Similar to make-list
, but for using a
function to generate values instead of static ones.
(nose-genlist LENGTH FUNC)
;; Create a list of 6 rolls of 3d6.
(nose-genlist 6 (lambda () (d 6 3)))
;; => eg. (12 14 7 10 15 15)