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An automated symlink script is included! Though for the time being it's Hardcoded to be located & run from $HOME/Github/dotfiles
It's installing the needed programs & dependencies in a Unix & Linux Distro-agnostic way, btw.
Currently Supported Operating Systems:
- Linux: Debian, Arch, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Voidlinux & all there derivatives.
- MacOS: with BREW installed.
- BSD's: Full support comming soon. (Symlinks work, but packages need to be installed manually)
Note: If you're running Gentoo or any other Linux Distribution with a differant package-manager & know the packages, feel free to contribute.
This Repository stores my dotfiles & some random scripts I use often like the Fastfetch Autocompile one :-) But other than that, I don't have anything of value to add besides that automation & scripts are BASED.
Just run this:
git clone https://github.com/rockpat/dotfiles.git ~/Github/dotfiles
cd ~/Github/dotfiles
Btw, you might need to install git and/or create the $HOME/Github/dotfiles directory before!
- .bashrc - My almost Unmodified .bashrc
- .zshrc - My simple but powerful .zshrc config that I use
- .vitetris - My 2Player vitetris config
- setup.sh - My script to Automatically setup the Dotfiles
- /fastfetch/config.jsonc - My (basic) fastfetch config
- btop.conf - My btop config
- fastfetch-autocompile.sh - A little script to make compiling fastfetch much easier
- /ventoy - A Drop in Black-Ventoy Grub-theme