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jimmysparkle edited this page Aug 18, 2010 · 2 revisions

Using the Sitemap Handler allows you to maintain a valid sitemap for your web application.

Introduction & Features

The sitemap handler is utilised via a set of static methods. The handler fully supports the protocol. The handler supports sitemap index files, multiple domain sitemaps, gzip compression & search engine pinging. The handler works by loading the pages in to a database and then outputs compiled sitemap files. The sitemap handler has been used in projects with over 10 million pages so capable of scaling for large applications.


To utilise the Atsumi sitemap handler you must create the necessary table in your database. See the PostgreSQL Installation Query We will add MySQL & SQLite installation SQL queries in the near future.

Add a URL to the sitemap

To add a page to the sitemap use the wirteUrl static method. The only required fields is the database object & the url of the page. If the page is new it will be inserted, if it’s already in the db it will get updated.

sitemap_Handler::writeUrl ($db, $loc, $lastMod, $changeFreq, $priority, $tableName);
Parameter Type Required Default Description
$db Database Required Database that contains sitemap table
$loc String Required URL to add
$lastMod Timestamp Optional null Last modified timestamp
$changeFreq Timestamp Optional null ‘hourly’, ‘weekly’, ‘monthly’, ‘yearly’, ‘never’
$priority Float Optional null 0-1
$tableName String Optional ‘sitemap’ Database table name

Generate the sitemap

Sitemap files are written to flat-files. All sitemaps are generated with a sitemap index file. If your $host is ‘’ and your $xmlFileRoot is ‘/sitemap/’ your sitemap address would be: ‘’ – You would then need to make this URL work using mod-rewrite (mapping /sitemap/ to the $xmlFilePath) or having a controller catch the request and serving the neccessary sitemap file

sitemap_Handler::writeXml ($db, $host, $xmlFilePath, $xmlUrlRoot, $maxUrlsPerSitemap, $compress, $tablename);
Parameter Type Required Default Description
$db Database Required
$host String Required Which hostname to generate the sitemap for
$xmlFilePath String Required Path the files will be saved to – must be writable by the web server
$xmlUrlRoot String Required The path where the sitemap will be serverd from ie: ‘/sitemap/’
$maxUrlsPerSitemap Integer Optional null 0 – 50000
$compress Boolean Optional true Gzip compression
$tablename String Optional ‘sitemap’ Database table name

Purge URLs in sitemap by hostname

Removes all URLs stored for a given hostname.

sitemap_Handler::purgeUrlsForHost ($db, $host);
Parameter Type Required Default Description
$db Database Required
$host String Required Hostname to purge URLs for ie:

Ping Search Engines

Pings the search engines with the URL of the sitemap.

sitemap_Handler::pingSearchEngines ($sitemapUrl);
Parameter Type Required Default Description
$sitemapUrl String Required Full URL of sitemap