This is based on and derived from the original RippleOSI EtherCIS Database Docker Container, but updated and patched for use with EtherCIS version 1.3
This Docker Container must be used in conjunction with the ethercis-server-1.3 Container
Prebuilt docker images for both are available on the Docker Hub:
- rtweed/ethercis-db
- rtweed/ethercis-server
This container is best run on a Linux platform or Virtual Machine, eg Ubuntu 18.04
Install Docker
curl -sSL | sh
To avoid using sudo when running docker commands:
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
su - ${USER}
NB: You'll be asked to enter your Linux password
Load the Container
docker pull rtweed/ethercis-db
Create a Docker Network
docker network create ecis-net
Confirm that it's been created by listing your Docker networks
docker network ls
You should see ecis-net included in the list as a bridged network
Running the Container
docker run -it --rm --name ethercis-db --net ecis-net -p 5432:5432 rtweed/ethercis-db
After a few seconds, the EtherCIS/Postgres database will be ready for use, listening on the default Postgres port: 5432
Note: The Postgres database username and password are postgres and postgres
This is most easily done using the PgAdmin tool, and the easiest way to install and run PgAdmin is to use a Dockerised version:
Load the PgAdmin Container
docker pull dpage/pgadmin4
Start the PgAdmin Container
docker run -it --rm --name pgadmin -p 80:80 -e "" -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=secret" dpage/pgadmin4
Note: change the PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL value to your email address and you might want to specify a different password also!
- Start PgAdmin
Point a browser at the IP address of the machine hosting the PgAdmin Container, eg:
Login using the username and password you specified in the docker run command
Add the EtherCIS database using the following credentials:
- General/Name: ethercis
- Connection:
- Host name/address: {{ip address of machine hosting the EtherCIS database container}} (eg
- Port: 5432
- Maintenance database: postgres
- Username: postgres
- Password: postgres
Click Save and you should see the EtherCIS database appearing as a server in the left panel
If so, then you have successfully started up the EtherCIS database.
- much of the work for this repo came from by Seref Arikan
- also helpful was this other EtherCIS docker setup