Get the local time in the selected location. Often you need to quickly see the local time in the city. This is a telegram bot that solves this problem. Just send him the name of the city or location and he will send you the local time
Try Ohmytime-bot
docker pull robotomize/ohmytime-bot:latest
# or use docker compose
docker-compose up
# create index internal/index/assets
go generate ./...
# set env variables
# search index generated to ./internal/index/assets/cities.idx
# your telegram token
go run ./cmd/ohmytime-bot
The entire search index has already been created and copied into a docker container. The index was created based on public data on locations and time zones. In the internal/index folder you can find the raw data and the search index generator.
Cribe is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
Telegram: @robotomize