This template will preconfigure your rails app. It will:
- Push your application to github
- Configure you gem environment to work on domain factory
- Modify the capistrano deploy script to suite your domain factory configuration
- Use the domain factory mysql gem
- Configure your production database
- Upload you application to github
- Deploy your application to your domain factory server (coming soon!)
rails new [APP_NAME] -m
To use this template, you'll need:
- an account at domain factory
- a configured ssh user in your domain factory account
- a mysql database at your domain factory account
- capistrano. If you don't have it, it will ask for it.
- a github account and a fresh repository for your application
- to configure your ssh keys in github
This template will ask you for following data:
customer number (i.e.: 123456_12345):
domain (i.e.:
username (i.e.: ssh-123456-ssh):
password (i.e.: ssh_foobar):
database (i.e.: db123456_1): username (i.e.: db123456_1): password (i.e.: db_foobar):
address (i.e.:
name (i.e.: example_application):