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zjn0505 edited this page Aug 22, 2022 · 20 revisions


Movement control or in the case of the SDK manual movement control, is essentially a set of methods used in temi's telepresence that allow the user to manually control temi's movement. These movements are explained in further details below.

API Overview

Return Method Description
void skidJoy(float x, float y, boolean smart) Manually move temi
void turnBy(int degrees, float speed) Turn by by a specific degree
void tiltAngle(int degrees, float speed) Tilt temi's head to a specific angle
void tiltBy(int degrees, float speed) Tilt temi's head to by a specific degree
void stopMovement() Stop all movement
boolean patrol(List<String> locations, boolean nonsotp, int times, int waiting) Patrol
Interface Description
OnRobotLiftedListener Robot lifted listener
OnMovementVelocityChangedListener Velocity changed of movement listener
OnMovementStatusChangedListener Status changed listener of movement(skidJoy, turnBy) listener



Use this method to manually navigate temi on its' axis in a similat fashion to the way it's done in the video call.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    x float float value of distance to cover on temi's x axis. The range of values is from 1-(-)1, where 1 is a complete step forward and -1 is complete step backwards on the axis.
    y float float value of distance to cover on temi's y axis. The range of values is from 1-(-)1, where 1 is a complete step forward and -1 is complete step backwards on the axis.
    smart boolean Bypass obstacles while moving, supported from version 0.10.79
  • Prototype

    void skidJoy(float x, float y);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from


  • Recommendation

    • Use the graph below to better understand temi's axis.
    • It's best to use the values 1 and -1 as since values in between will not be noticeable to the untrained eye.
    • It's recommended to give a buffer of at least 500 milliseconds between each command for the best outcome.
    • Backwards speed is lower than forward's since there are less sensors and we want to reduce the risk of damage.

  • Examples

    • Forward - robot.skidJoy(1,0) for how long as you want it to move forward.
    • Left - robot.skidJoy(0,1) until the robot is facing the direction you want it to move to and then send the


Use this method to manually turn temi's body by a certain degree.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    degrees int The degrees you want to temi's body to turn.
    speed float [Optional parameter] The coefficient of the maximum speed, the value range is 0~1. Support from 0.10.77.
  • Prototype

    void turnBy(int degrees, float speed);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from



Use this method to manually tilt temi's head to a certain degree.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    degrees int The degrees you want to temi's head to tilt to.
    speed float [Optional parameter] The coefficient of the maximum speed, the value range is 0~1. Support from 0.10.77.
  • Prototype

    void tiltAngle(int degrees, float speed);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from


  • Notes

    • Take into account that the tilt range is from -25 degrees which means temi is looking all the way down until +55 degrees which means it's looking all the way up.
    • 0 degrees means temi is looking straight ahead.


Use this method to manually tilt temi's head by a certain degree.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    degrees int The amount of degrees you want to tilt by
    speed float [Optional parameter] The coefficient of the maximum speed, the value range is 0~1. Support from 0.10.77.
  • Prototype

    void tiltBy(int degrees, float speed);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from


  • Notes

    • Take into account that the tilt range is from -25 degrees which means temi is looking all the way down until +55 degrees which means it's looking all the way up.
    • 0 degrees means temi is looking straight ahead.
    • It's recommended to use this method to make small tilt adjustments and not big ones, if you want temi to make bigger adjustments use tiltAngle() instead.


Use this method to manually stop temi from moving.

  • Prototype

    void stopMovement();
  • Notes

    • Use this method to abort any of the actions taken by the methods above.
    • Use this method to stop navigation commands as well.


Use this method to patrol between locations.

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    locations List<String> at least 3 valid locations, can be duplicated. Home base will be ignored and should not be included.
    nonstop boolean [Optional parameter] if set as true, it will just arrive at the position of location, without tilt and turn, and then immediately head to next location. default as false
    times int [how many times should it go on the route. 0: infinite, 1: once, and so on.
    waiting int [Optional parameter] If [nonstop] is false, the time in seconds it should wait on each location. Range from 3 - 60, default is 3
  • Return

    Type Description
    boolean true if patrol is executed.
  • Prototype

    boolean patrol(List<String> locations, boolean nonsotp, int times, int waiting);
  • Required permissions


  • Support from




Set your context to implement this listener and add the override method to perceive whether the robot is lifted.


package com.robotemi.sdk.listeners;

interface OnRobotLiftedListener {}

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    isLifted boolean true means robot is lifted, false otherwise
    reason String -
  • Prototype

    void onRobotLifted(boolean isLifted, String reason);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnRobotLiftedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnRobotLiftedListener(OnRobotLiftedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnRobotLiftedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnRobotLiftedListener(OnRobotLiftedListener listener);
  • Support from



Set your context to implement this listener and add the override method to listen to the velocity changes of movement.


package com.robotemi.sdk.listeners;

interface OnMovementVelocityChangedListener {}

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    velocity float Velocity of movement, the unit is m/s
  • Prototype

    void onMovementVelocityChanged(float velocity);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnMovementVelocityChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnMovementVelocityChangedListener(OnMovementVelocityChangedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnMovementVelocityChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnMovementVelocityChangedListener(OnMovementVelocityChangedListener listener);
  • Support from



Set your context to implement this listener and add the override method to listen to the status changes of movement.


package com.robotemi.sdk.listeners;

interface OnMovementStatusChangedListener {}

Static constant

Constant Type Value Description
TYPE_SKID_JOY String "skidJoy" Movement type - skidJoy
TYPE_TURN_BY String "turnBy" Movement type - turnBy
STATUS_START String "start" Movement started
STATUS_GOING String "going" Moving
STATUS_OBSTACLE_DETECTED String "obstacle detected" Obstacle detected during the movement
STATUS_NODE_INACTIVE String "node inactive" Node inactive
STATUS_CALCULATING String "calculating" Calculating
STATUS_COMPLETE String "complete" Movement completed
STATUS_ABORT String "abort" Movement abort

Abstract methods

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    type String Movement type
    status String Movement status
  • Prototype

    void onMovementStatusChanged(String type, String status);

Method for adding listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnMovementStatusChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void addOnMovementStatusChangedListener(OnMovementStatusChangedListener listener);

Method for removing listener

  • Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    listener OnMovementStatusChangedListener An instance of a class that implements this interface
  • Prototype

    void removeOnMovementStatusChangedListener(OnMovementStatusChangedListener listener);
  • Support from


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