1.0.0 (2017-10-13)
Bug Fixes
model: now replacing sample name properly. Nits too (aaa201f )
path: closes #15 (ec48dc4 )
service: fixed recursive search of serices. (8ae28f1 )
.gitkeep: added .gitkeep to ensure dir(s) are tracked by git from creation (c55e6a9 )
bin: added sample cmd use case (a2c6056 )
cli: 'mslite g model name ..names' now generates model files (e534eef )
cmd: now makes project with necessary dir and files included (93e0824 )
db: added config files for db setup (b2bf81d )
db: load models from /src/models (9d0740b )
default: added default files for generate (1d36192 )
generate: added generate types for other components (2d9c7d8 )
helper: created copy utility module (4eee54c )
index.js: for starting up project. (eeaeceb ), closes #17
package.json: made mslite a globally accessable module (9e06a7c )
packgage.json: add package.json for project init (446f5db )
replace: now replaces and 'model_name' within file (48d1bc3 )
services: require all services (9653af2 )
yarn: added dotenv module (04239a1 )
yarn: added new dependencies (0cee53f )
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