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If you want to create an element from an HTMLElement that already exists in the DOM:
<div id='jeff'></div>
import { _e } from 'pragmajs'
let element = _e("#jeff") // select the element like you would in CSS
If you want to create a new element programatically and append it to the DOM yourself, you can do:
let element = _e("", "text").appendTo('body')
will result in this:
<div id='jeff' class='center-div-2 woo'>text</div>
let element = _e("#jeff")
let selector = "#jeff"
.appendTo(element || selector)
.prependTo(element || selector)
.destroy() // remove the element from the dom. fucken obliterate it
.append(element) // append an element inside.
position absolute
background red
text-align center
`) // you can write normal css styles, but you could
// make your life easier by writing in the simplified
// syntax which replaces new lines with `;` and you
// dont need to type `:` after every css attr. your choice
.html(`innerHTML`) // change inner html
.addClass('class1', 'class2', 'class3', ...)
.listenTo({ 'click': () => {}, 'hover': () => {} ... })
.attr(attrName, value) // edit html attribute like src or href
.find(selector) // find an element inside
.findAll(selector) // find all elements inside
.rect() // get BoundingRect of element
.offset() // get offset of element
// self explanatory GETTERS
A Pragma
is an object that provides an interface for creating complex interactions with minimal code. A Pragma
can be associated with an HTMLElement
, which can be extremely useful for translating these complex interactions to the front end.
import { _e, _p } from 'pragmajs'
let pragma1 = _p('name') // you can give the Pragma a
// name (which is going to be its key), or leave
// it blank to generate a random one through
// an overengineered random string generator
let element = _e('#jeff') // an element that exists on the dom already
let pragma2 = _p()
.as(element) // associate pragma2 with
// element pragma2.element is going to be #jeff
let pragma3 = _p()
.html("if he is still in, im still in")
background red
font-size 420
font-family 'Comic Sans'
import { tpl } from 'pragmajs'
let pragma4 = p().from(tpl.monitor) //create a Pragma
// from a template (another Pragma)
let p = _p('pragma name')
function test() {
).run(function() {
this.test() // => yeet
p.test() // => yeet
let p = _p()
p.on("yoing", function(...args) {
// this keyword is bounded to be p
p.triggerEvent("yoing", "yoingArgument1", "yoingArgument2")
// going to print "yoingARgument1", "yoingArgument2"
p.on("yoing", function(...args) {
console.log('im also gonna get triggered from now on')
p.triggerEvent("yoing", "yoingArgument1", "yoingArgument2")
// going to print "yoingARgument1", "yoingArgument2"
// 'im also gonna get triggered from now on'
let p = p()
p.onNext('yoing2', () => {
console.log('im only going to get triggered on the next yoing event')
p.triggerEvent("yoing2") // prints: 'im only going to get triggered on the next yoing event'
p.triggerEvent("yoing2") // nothing happens
p.triggerEvent("yoing2") // nothing happens
let p = p()
.setIndex(0) // sets index wire to 0
p.on('indexChange', (newValue, lastValue) => {
// will get triggered when p.index changes value
console.log(newValue, lastValue)
p.onNext('indexChange', () => { //... })
p.index = 1 // prints: 1, 0
p.index = 2 // prints: 2, 1
p.setIndex(3) // prints: 3, 2
p.setIndexSilently(10) // nothing gets triggered
let p = _p()
p.element = "<HTMLElement>" || _e('#dash') // set the element associated with the pragma
console.log(p.element, p._e) // => <HTML Element id='dash'>
// --- PRAGMA VALUE & ACTION CHAIN ---, plop, plap){
console.log(`Value changed to ${this.value}`, plip, plop, plap)
}) // assign a callback function that will run
// every time a shift in the pragma's value occurs.
// All the callbacks that are being run when the value changes,
// are part of the *ActionChain* of the Pragma.
// every time the value of the pragma is changed, its *ActionChain* runs
p.value = 420 // the value is going to change
// and because of the above
// the console is going to print: => Value changed to 420
console.log(p.value) // => 420
p.exec(1,2,3) // run its *Action Chain* with
// whatever arguments you add
// => Value changed to 420, 1, 2, 3
let another_pragma = _p().do(function(){
console.log('wooooo', this.value)
p.wireTo(another_pragma) // link the pragma value
// to another_pragma's value.
// Every time the pragma's value
// changes, change the
// another_pragma's value to the same one
p.value += 1
// => Value changed to 421
// => wooooo, 421
// --- UTILITIES ---
p.key = 'secks'
p.setKey('john lennon') // set `key` of the pragma
console.log( // => john-lennon
// return the HTML id of
// the element associated
// with the pragma
.on('click').do(function() { console.log('ive been clicked')})
.on('hover').do(function() { console.log('ive been hovered')})
.addListeners({'click': function(){}, 'hover': function(){}})
.run(function(){}, function(){} ....)
// run the passed callback
// functions as the pragma itself.
// The `this` keyword inside the functions
// will reference the pragma
.pragmatize() // append pragma's element to its parent
.pragmatizeAt(element || selector)
// append pragma's element at the
// element/selector you provide
.contain(another_pragma) // add another_pragma
// as a `child` of `p` and append it
// inside p's associated HTML element
You can also call some of _e
's methods from the pragma directly, will modify its associated html element (if any) accordingly.
.css('color crystalblue')
.addClass('lucy', 'in', 'the', 'sky', 'center-div-flexbox', 'zindexxxxx')
console.log(p.offset, p.text,, p.left, p.width, p.height)