An application which listens for GitHub webhook and start custom task.
First of all, you need to configurate the webhook of your repository.
- Go to your repository's setting. Add a webhook.
- Set the Payload URL to your server. If you don't want to use the 80 port, then set it like this
. - Click confirm button.
- Clone into your favorite folder.
git clone
npm install
- Edit the config.json, create/modify the shell you want to use.
When runing a shell, Error: spawn EACCES shows up ?
There could be two reasons.
One is because of the shell is not an executable file. Simply use chmod +X path/to/the/shell
Another is because nodejs don't have the permission to run some shell command, such as touch
You can check current user via command $USER
in your scripts.
If there's any future problem, notify me by issues.
Is the shell runs in synchronously?
No, synchronously is not recommanded and due to the function execFile
in nodejs, it's synchronous.
Are the HTTP requests get handled in queue?
Yes. And don't worry about too many requests coming at one time, cherry-hook run shells asynchronously.
- Add hot-reload config.json.
- Custom Payload URL in config.json
- Custom the method of triggering hot-reload.