- 🔭 I studied programming and computer science in highschool and at university, then I started working as a software engineer
- 🌱 We can talk about: software architecture, coding tools, algorithms, data structures, functional programming, git, codegolf, clean code, design patterns, ux design, web development, frameworks, and more.
- 📫 How to reach me: lisaru.robert@gmail.com
What is popular in the tech world changes constantly, but these are the fundamental masteries that I think will always make a software engineer valuable. Why these? Why are they important?
CodeAesthetic | Coding in Flow | Computerphile | Evan Czaplicki | Fireship | Kevin Powell | Lex Fridman | Richard Feldman | Sibiu Web Meetup | ThePrimeTime | Web Dev Simplified | and others.
Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit | CSS units flowchart | docker prune | draw.io | elm patterns | flask.io | flexbox froggy | front-end-checklist | gitignore.io | google books ngram viewer | html-to-elm | kotlin vs java snippets | radar chart creator | regex | webkay.robinlinus.com | wolfram alpha
10 fast fingers | dayssincelastjavascriptframework | devhumor | grugbrain.dev | isitthursday | itl.cat | midjourney