Based on 15 Steps to Implement a Neural Net and Using neural nets to recognize handwritten digits
one or more hidden layers is possible
// before load data and encode labels into onehotEncoder...
auto trainTest = trainTestSplit(data, 0.2);
auto trainData = std::get<0>(trainTest);
auto testData = std::get<1>(trainTest);
std::vector<int> sizes = {4, 8, 3};
NeuralNet nn(sizes);
int epochs = 10
int miniBatchSize = 4
double eta = 0.1 // learning rate
nn.SGD(trainData, epochs, miniBatchSize, eta, testData);
double accuracy = nn.accuracy(testData);
std::cout << "Accuracy: " << accuracy << std::endl;
auto confusionMatrix = nn.confusionMatrix(testData);
std::cout << "Confunsion matrix" << std::endl;
std::cout << confusionMatrix << std::endl;
Epoch: 1/10 complete Test loss: 0.149012
Epoch: 2/10 complete Test loss: 0.139139
Epoch: 3/10 complete Test loss: 0.134284
Epoch: 4/10 complete Test loss: 0.129532
Epoch: 5/10 complete Test loss: 0.125607
Epoch: 6/10 complete Test loss: 0.121967
Epoch: 7/10 complete Test loss: 0.118834
Epoch: 8/10 complete Test loss: 0.115805
Epoch: 9/10 complete Test loss: 0.113544
Epoch: 10/10 complete Test loss: 0.11129
Accuracy: 0.8667
Confunsion matrix
10 0 0
0 6 3
0 1 10
tested on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
To clean cmake, rebuild project and run program with default parameters
Example (let's say I'm in main folder). To run program you need to specify path to data, number of epochs, size of mini batches and learning rate.
bin/neuralnet $file $epochs $miniBatch $learningRate
cd test
cmake . && make
Look at jupyter_notebooks directory
- extend file loader to be able to load any dataset