Infrastructure-as-code lab, hosting my personal projects
control plane is a fork of
python3 -m pip install --user ansible
Configure the machine ip in inventory.yml
. You must set it both in
and virtualmachines_INITIAL
, which is the initial way
ssh access is configured, that the first ansible playbook will change
ansible virtualmachines_INITIAL -m ping -i inventory.yml
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml initial_ssh_setup.yml
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml software_setup.yml
(no reason to automate this, run this manually inside the vps)
docker login -u USERNAME
when prompted for a password, enter a classic ghcr token
with read:packages
permissions. For more info:
Once the control plane is up and running, you can add your projects to the vps.
TODO: write bash script to add to repository. usage: init (asks you questions, generates the compose-deploy folder) push up down rollout deploy (push+rollout)
- 'traefik.enable=false'
- 'traefik.http.routers.XXX.rule=Host(``)'
- 'traefik.http.routers.XXX.entrypoints=websecure'
- 'traefik.http.routers.XXX.tls=true'
- 'traefik.http.routers.XXX.tls.certresolver=myresolver'
document and create project structure:
ansible scripts for provisioning the vps
control-plane shared ingress and observability stack
deploy build files for the deploy script you
| can add to your project repo
L the script
L template/ the template it will download from github when you run deploy init
create deploy sh
The ubuntu machine provisioning will be handled manually. I don't need fancy stuff
write ansible files to configure the host ubuntu machine.
Initial step (INITIAL host,port=22,user=root): add ansible user, change ssh port
all other steps (host, port=xxxx,user=ansible)
- remove root login
- add "al" user, define keys, docker group
- install docker
- install database
define all the k8s infrastructure in a reproducible way:
- introspection services, grafana, loki, prometheus.
- analytics
- database web management (to find, something like phpmyadmin but serious)
- argocd
- secrets management
- secrets management integrated into argo (i put a link to a tutorial in telegram)
The idea is that all the personal projects will be managed via argo, secrets and databases will be configured manually from the respective admin panels.
The rest of the stuff on the cluster, such as the admin interfaces, argo, grafana etch will be defined in this repository. Ideally, the charts and manifests in this repo should be managed via terraform.
write ansible files to configure the host ubuntu machine.
- define ssh users and keys
- install mariadb
- install k3s
the idea is that mariadb (an other future databases) will be installed outside of k3s, but on the same machine, listening on the loopback interface. The access will be provided via a Service in the namespace external-services
The ubuntu machine provisioning will be handled manually. I don't need fancy stuff