Timesheet application using SlickGrid (andrewchilds fork)
Work in progress - Complete for users, but account creation is currently manual.
- Fiter rows by column / multiple columns i.e date, job number, client
- Export to CSV (uses downloadify)
- Optional auto save, auto cell edit on click
- Cookies for prefs and login
- User / admin level logins (admin view shows data from all users)
Use /_mysql/sg_timesheet.sql
to create the sg_timesheet
database i.e.
mysql -u username -p < ~/path/to/_mysql/sg_timesheet.sql
(or paste the contents into the SQL tab of phpMyAdmin).
Rename /config/settings.php.sample
to /config/settings.php
and edit the connection details.
Browse to index.php and log in using the default credentials:
username: 'User' for individual timesheet view or 'Admin' for all entries
password: 'sg_timesheet'
To change these details you will currently have to do so manually, as stated above.
If unsure please follow the comments in /_mysql
Demo here (static) - note that login and save are disabled.