SmartUnit is intended to be a place where unit test utility and helper classes can be collected to be shared.
SmartUnit artifacts, including sources and javadocs, are available on the central Maven repository.
Have a look at our wiki for more information.
Before initiating a release it's strongly adviced to execute the full integration test suite which is normally not executed during the common install phase.
During the release phase the additional ie
, chrome
and firefox
Maven profiles are enabled which execute browser specific tests: this means the releaser need to have a Windows box (due to Internet Explorer dependency) with the Selenium IE and Chrome drivers installed (Firefox does not need a driver).
The easiest way to provide the additional drivers path is to use system properties:
mvn integration-test -Pfirefox,chrome,ie<path>\IEDriverServer.exe<path>\chromedriver.exe
Please note that the Selenium driver for Internet Explorer requires to set the protection mode to be the same on all zones, otherwise the browser will detach unexpectedly.
Do not proceed to the release process unless the above command executes without errors
To prepare and perform the release multiple unix like commands needs to be on the path, the simplest way to have them all is to perform the release within the Git Bash shell.
The gpg
command must be on the PATH in order to sign the artifacts so it's better to double check the environment configuration and your passphrase by running:
$> gpg --output test.sig --sign <anyfile>
Additionally git
, ssh
and ssh-agent
executables must be on the PATH, the latter with your Github SSH key loaded:
$> eval$(ssh-agent)
$> ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
$> ssh -T
Three keys are required for the release: a GPG one to sign the artifacts, an RSA one to commit release changes on Github and an RSA one to push the artifacts onto the Maven Central repository (hosted by Sonatype).
You can use the same RSA key for both Github and Sonatype to reduce the amount of passwords and configurations if you wish.