Don't follow these steps unless you are me.
The usual steps are:
- Trackpad > Tracking Speed: Set to the second notch from the right
- Keyboard > Keyboard > Key Repeat: Farthest notch on the right
- Keyboard > Keyboard > Delay Until Repeat: Second notch from the right
- Keyboard > Text: Turn basically everything off
- Accessibility > Pointer Control> Trackpad Options: Enable dragging with three finger drag
- Control Center > Bluetooth: Show in Menu Bar
- Desktop & Dock > Dock: Turn off Show recent applications in dock
- Desktop & Dock > Mission Control: Turn off Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use
- JetBrains Mono NL:
- NerdFontsSymbolsOnly:
First, homebrew:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Follow the eval instruction in terminal to add it to the path temporarily. It probably looks like this:
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
To install all the usual software:
brew install curl dotbot fish fzf git gnu-sed gpg mise neovim ripgrep trash zoxide rliebz/tusk/tusk
brew install --cask bitwarden docker firefox keepingyouawake ghostty
Don't swap to Fish or Ghostty yet.
First we'll need to set up an SSH key:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
Navigate here to add a new SSH key, then grab local public key:
cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy
Clone this repo into the appropriate directory:
git clone $HOME/.dotfiles
cd $HOME/.dotfiles
With that, the dotfiles can be installed:
Finally, set up fish:
echo "$(which fish)" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
chsh -s "$(which fish)"
Swap to Ghostty now.
After making any changes, or to update submodules:
To add a new file:
- Create a new file in this directory
- Create an entry in install.conf.yaml
Fish will autoload files placed in the appropriate location. For everything else, the following local dotfiles files are read automatically: