- Open Frontend folder and Backend folder separately
- See commands for frontend and backend npm bellow
- npm run dev: development mode
- npm run build: production build
- npm run start: webpack -w
- (localhost:9000)
- npm install
- npm run dev: development mode
- npm run start: launch server
- (localhost:3000)
- @babel/core@7.21.0
- @babel/preset-env@7.20.2
- @babel/register@7.21.0
- babel-loader@9.1.2
- chai@4.3.7
- css-loader@6.7.3
- gh-pages@5.0.0
- html-loader@4.2.0
- html-webpack-plugin@5.5.0
- mocha@10.2.0
- sinon@15.0.1
- style-loader@3.3.1
- webpack-cli@5.0.1
- webpack-dev-server@4.11.1
- webpack-merge@5.8.0
- webpack@5.75.0
- Fully responsive landing from 410px
- Mobile version adaptive design with breakpoint at (768px)
- JavaScript
- SASS preprocessor - SCSS
- Gitflow
- Landing is developed according to Figma design
- Section Join Us implemented through Vanilla JS
- Webpack 5
- Factory pattern in Join Our Program Section
- Email validation for (@gmail.com, @hotmail.com)
- Local Storage
- Subscribed State UI change after reloading the page according to submitted email
- Save feature of input value after reloading the page through Local Storage
- Backend Node.js and Express.js
- Fecth requests to backend
- Community section receives data from backend
- After pushing "Subscribe" button valid email is sent and written in backend JSON
- After pushing "USubscribe" button valid email is deleted in backend JSON
- 'forbidden@gmail.com' is set as an email already exists in backend data
- Unit Tests for email validation of 3 types of function including Async performed with Mocha, Chai, Sinon libraries
- User Events sending to backend analytics server implemented with WebWorker
- Performance Measurements of fetching Community Section and Layout page are sent to backend performance analytics JSON
- https://gitlab.com/rleydev/html-essentials-hometask
- https://gitlab.com/rleydev/css-basic-hometask
- https://gitlab.com/rleydev/css-selectors-and-responsive
- https://gitlab.com/rleydev/css-flex-grid-hometask
- https://gitlab.com/rleydev/css-transforms-and-transitions
- https://gitlab.com/rleydev/css-animations
- https://gitlab.com/rleydev/css-preprocessors
- https://gitlab.com/rleydev/mastering-javascript-events
- Production build and hosted in gh-pages in branch gh-pages
- Original CSS styling implemented in general_css branch
- SASS in scss, Vanilla Js section and Webpack is developed in saas_project branch and merged into develop branch
- Factory pattern, local storage Join Program section UI update based on email validation and subscribtion and other devdeloped in addit-dev branch