Bank account account simulation
In next weeks project will register yourself as a new user. Until then you need to use passes below to get access to the app
- L:
- P: admin123
- Months, weeks and days mock-up
- Months could be switched
- Introduced data picker
- Calendar shows costs in shape of dot.
- Register form - Also your data will be displayed in details about user placed in header
- Register page - validaton and displaying errors
Modal with feedback after sending - transfer
Form will be divided on at least 4 components for better user experience. Steps should appear one after another.
- Destination of transfer (person, tax, health care, charity, Facebook etc.) and list below with the most frequent recipients
- Name of the recipent, account number
- Title of the transfer, amount of money, data of sending money, type of transfer (Standard, Elixir, etc.)
- Summary -> approve or decline
After sending transfer, cost is added to history
- Optymization of the search-bar - added debounce function
- 404
- Forgotten password
- Page for each cost
- Nav mobile
- Login validation
- Loading spinner between login and desktop view. It will be visible until fetch from database will be completed.
- Login in/out with firebase
- Fetching banking dummy data
- 2 Charts with visualization of data
- History component: searching, filtering list
- Routing
- Redux store - reducers and actions are tested with Jest
- Login Page - validation
- React (v16.3) - a JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Babel - a JavaScript compiler
- Webpack (v4.5) with plugins - a module bundler
- PostCSS, Sass
- Redux
- Router
- React Hot Loader (v4) Tweak React components in real time
- [Firebase]
First install npm to open files on your computer
npm install
Type in your command line
npm start
It will open new window in your browser:
Production build of the website:
npm build
Robert Kosak