Backend - ExpressJS
Frontend - React
Server - Django
Database - MongoDB
This has been tested on Ubuntu20.04LTS
Install mongodb and start service
sudo apt install mongodb
sudo systemctl start mongodb
sudo systemctl enable mongodb
use nvm(node-version-manager) to install nodejs
to install nvm -> []
nvm install 16.19.1
cd frontend
and npm install
cd backend
and npm install
conda create -n env python=3.10
cd server
and pip install -r requirements.txt
check if mongodb is running or not, if yes, then this command will exit out, else leave it running
start django server
cd server
and python runserver
start backend
cd backend
and npm start
start frontend
cd frontend
and npm start
go to http://localhost:3000
Run the following from project root
docker compose up
go to http://localhost:3000
- 1. Create a backend using ExpressJS.
- 2. Create a PWA using React that that accepts text input and sends it to the backend. Bonus : UI changes on interaction
- 3. The backend should have the following 3 functionalities -
- a. log the number of times a connection is made by the frontend and insert it into a Mongoose Model
- b. receive the text that was inserted from the frontend and insert it in another Model
- c. calls the Django api using the most recent 2 strings and returns the ngrams to the frontend
- 4. Create a Django server that has an API that returns the ngrams comparison using NLTK.
- [] 5. Create a new repo on GitHub
- a. which has all the commits
- [] b. independent branches for the 3 pipelines that are merged for submission. Make sure that there are merge conflicts that you can resolve and show you skills.
- 6. Bonus : Containerise each of the components (Node frontend, Node backend, Django Backend) on independent docker containers