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This python package is performing in with UTF-8 encoded to support non-Latin charathers including CJK language

Testing Language Test result
Chinese (Simp.) Passed
Chinese (Trad.) Passed
Japanese Passed
Korean Passed

It should be fine for other language, otherwise, please create new issue to solve the problem


Import this package first:

import unicode_string_contain_check

Recommended ways:

# Name what you want
import unicode_string_contain_check as uin

Check does the word contain in the phrase:

if uin.utf_contain("遊戲保持了前作般的高自由度,玩家可以隨心所欲地進行","隨心所欲"):
    print("It's contain!!!")

The result wil be like this:

It's contain!!!

A python file should be looks like:

import unicode_string_contain_check as uin

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if uin.utf_contain("遊戲保持了前作般的高自由度,玩家可以隨心所欲地進行","隨心所欲"):
        print("It's contain!!!")


unf_contain(usr_input,target_text): Check does the target (target_text) contains in a string (usr_input)


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