Releases: rjfarmer/mesaplot
Releases · rjfarmer/mesaplot
Release v.2.0.11
Release v2.0.10
- Fix issue with core mass locations on Kippenhan's
- Fix warnings from Pandas when loading data
- Fix issue when multiple timesteps have 0 age when using age_log and age_lookback
Python3.7 and 3.8 is also dropped from testing. It probably still works but people should really update their python versions.
Release v2.0.9
Fix issue in Kippenhan's with no burn data
Release v2.0.8
Fix issue with missing ylabel on plots
Release: v2.0.6
- Fix issues with loading old pickle files in newer versions of mesaPlot. Note the pickle files should not be depended on for long-term storage
- Fix Kippenhan colourmaps when all data is positive
Release: v2.0.5
Fixes some bugs in Kippenhan plots for newer MESA versions.
Release v2.0.4
Adds new plots to handle reaction rate data
Fixes various bugs
Release: v2.0.3
Add a zrng option to plotKIp3 to limit the range of z color values shown.
Release: v2.0.2
Fix installation issues when using pip
Performance improvements by switching from numpy.genfromtxt to using pandas for file reading
This will likely break reading old pickle files back in, so best bet is to delete them and let mesaPlot re-cache the data. Some attempts are made
to translate the files but it doesn't always work.