Shopify App Creation Guide
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{{ ----------------- How To Create Laravel Shopify Apps using Osiset Package ------------------- }}
{ }
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1: download laragon with php 7.4
2: composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel:^7.0 test_app
3: composer require osiset/laravel-shopify:16.* ( for Non-Embend App's )
3: composer require osiset/laravel-shopify:17.* ( for Embend App's )
4: php artisan vendor:publish --tag=shopify-config
5: https://(your-domain).com/ ( Your app dir URL )
6: https://(your-domain).com/authenticate ( in app create section add Rediect's URL )
7: edit file ---> routes/web.php and modify the default route
Route::get('/', function () { return view('welcome'); })->middleware(['verify.shopify'])->name('home');
8: Modify file ---> resources/views/welcome.blade.php
@extends('shopify-app::layouts.default') @section('content') <!-- You are: (shop domain name) --> <p>You are: {{ $shopDomain ?? Auth::user()->name }}</p> @endsection @section('scripts') @parent <script> actions.TitleBar.create(app, { title: 'Welcome' }); </script> @endsection
9: Edit file ---> app/User.php or app/Models/User.php
use Osiset\ShopifyApp\Contracts\ShopModel as IShopModel; use Osiset\ShopifyApp\Traits\ShopModel; class User extends Authenticatable implements IShopModel use ShopModel;
10: For 16.*
package use ---> ( auth.shopify )
10: For 17.*
package use ---> ( verify.shopify )
11: handle missing domainName exception goto ---> app\Exceptions\Handler.php & paste this code their
public function render($request, Throwable $exception){ if( $exception instanceof \Osiset\ShopifyApp\Exceptions\MissingShopDomainException ){ return response()->view('login', [], 500); } return parent::render($request, $exception); }
12: Create login view ( login.blade.php )
<form class="row g-4" action="{{ url('/authenticate') }}" method="GET"> <div class="input-group mb-3"> <input name="shop" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="" aria-label="Recipient's username" aria-describedby="button-addon2"> <button class="btn btn-outline-success" type="submit" id="button-addon2">Install</button> </div> </form>
13: For Non-embaded app do
'appbridge_enabled' => (bool) env('SHOPIFY_APPBRIDGE_ENABLED', false)
- 13: For Embaded app do
'appbridge_enabled' => (bool) env('SHOPIFY_APPBRIDGE_ENABLED', true)
14: For creating webHooks {
php artisan shopify-app:make:webhook [name] [topic] / for valid topics --->
refer -->>>
15: After create webHook we have to config it in { config/shopify-app.php } File. LIKE :: -->
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Shopify Webhooks |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This option is for defining webhooks. | `topic` is the GraphQL value of the Shopify webhook event. | `address` is the endpoint to call. | | Valid values for `topic` can be found here: | | */ /* SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_TOPIC=orders/create SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_ADDRESS="${APP_URL}/webhook/orders-create" SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_2_TOPIC=themes/publish SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_2_ADDRESS="${APP_URL}/webhook/themes-publish" SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_3_TOPIC=app/uninstalled SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_3_ADDRESS="${APP_URL}/webhook/app-uninstalled" */ [ 'topic' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_0_TOPIC', 'APP_UNINSTALLED'), // APP_UNISTALLED ===> "app/uninstalled" 'address' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_0_ADDRESS', '') ], [ 'topic' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_TOPIC', 'PRODUCTS_CREATE'), // PRODUCTS_CREATE ===> "products/create" 'address' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_ADDRESS', '') ], [ 'topic' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_TOPIC', 'orders/create'), 'address' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_ADDRESS', '') ], [ 'topic' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_TOPIC', 'themes/publish'), 'address' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_ADDRESS', '') ],
16: Change it in .env file like this LIKE :: -->
SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_TOPIC=orders/create SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_ADDRESS="${APP_URL}/webhook/orders-create" SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_TOPIC=themes/publish SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_ADDRESS="${APP_URL}/webhook/themes-publish"
17: ADD Shopify scopes in the scope in .env file { } LIKE :: -->
18: Create an web Route to clear cache in database for webhooks { } LIKE::-->
Route::get('/clear-cache', function() { Artisan::call('cache:clear'); return "Cache is cleared"; });
19: Add Laravel logs Viewer package to view errors in detailed UI { } LIKE::-->
Install via composer composer require rap2hpoutre/laravel-log-viewer Add Service Provider to config/app.php in providers section Rap2hpoutre\LaravelLogViewer\LaravelLogViewerServiceProvider::class, Add a route in your web routes file: Route::get('logs', [\Rap2hpoutre\LaravelLogViewer\LogViewerController::class, 'index']);
20: Log::info($input);
21: php artisan make:model --migration --controller webhookJobs
22: Create Charging Plans
<?php use Illuminate\Database\Seeder; use Osiset\ShopifyApp\Storage\Models\Plan; class PlanSeeder extends Seeder { /** * Seed the application's database. * * @return void */ public function run() { // $this->call(UsersTableSeeder::class); /* # Create a recurring "Demo" plan for $5.00, with 7 trial days, which will be presented on install to the shop and have the ability to issue usage charges to a maximum of $10.00 INSERT INTO plans ( `type`, `name`, `price`, `interval`, `capped_amount`, `terms`, `trial_days`, `test`, `on_install`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('RECURRING/ONETIME','Test Plan',5.00,'EVERY_30_DAYS',10.00,'Test terms',7,FALSE,1,NULL,NULL); */ $Plan = new Plan(); $Plan->type = "RECURRING"; $Plan->name = "Basic Plan"; $Plan->price = 4.99; $Plan->interval = "EVERY_30_DAYS"; $Plan->capped_amount = 10.00; $Plan->terms = "Basic Plan ~ amount 4.99"; $Plan->trial_days = 7; $Plan->test = 1; $Plan->on_install = 1; $Plan->save(); $Plan = new Plan(); $Plan->type = "RECURRING"; $Plan->name = "Premiere Plan ~ amount 9.99"; $Plan->price = 9.99; $Plan->interval = "EVERY_30_DAYS"; $Plan->capped_amount = 10.00; $Plan->terms = "Premiere Plan ~ amount 9.99"; $Plan->trial_days = 14; $Plan->test = 1; $Plan->on_install = 1; $Plan->save(); } }
23 : php artisan make:seeder PlanSeeder -------> php artisan db:seed
24 : php artisan make:middleware CustomBillable
<?php namespace App\Http\Middleware; use Closure; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config; class CustomBillable { /** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { info(json_encode($request)); if( Config::get('shopify-app.billing_enabled') === true ){ $shop = auth()->user(); if(!$shop->isFreemium() && !$shop->isGrandfathered() && $shop->plan == null ){ // if(!$shop->shopify_freemium && !$shop->shopify_grandfathered && $shop->plan == null ){ return redirect()->route('billing.plans'); } } return $next($request); } }
'custom.billable' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\CustomBillable::class,
<div class="bottom"> <a href="{{ route('billing', ['plan' => $plans[0]->id ]) }}">Buy Now</a> </div> <div class="bottom"> <a href="{{ route('billing', ['plan' => $plans[1]->id ]) }}">Buy Now</a> </div> <div class="bottom"> <a href="{{ route('free.plan') }}">Get Access</a> </div>
27 :
Route::get('/free-plan', function(){ User::where('id' , auth()->user()->id )->update( [ 'plan_id' => NULL, 'shopify_freemium' => 1 ] ); return redirect()->route('home'); })->name('free.plan');
28: App proxy in app
Route::get('checkSetupStatus', 'CartButtonhiderDetailController@checkSetupStatus')->name('check.SetupStatus')->middleware(['auth.proxy']); public function checkSetupStatus(){ $shop = User::where('name', request('shop'))->first(); if($shop->status){ return response()->json(['status' => true]); }else{ return response()->json(['status' => false]); } }
- php artisan make:job AfterAuthenticateJob