- Nodejs v18.6.0 (untested other versions)
- NPM 8.13.2
- MariaDB 10.8.3, for Linux (x86_64)
This encrypts and decrypts columns stored in database tables in NodeJS applications. by encrypting data as it is stored in the model attributes and decrypting data as it is recalled from the model attributes.
Note: Encrypted values are usually longer than plain text values. Sometimes much longer. You may find that the column widths in your database tables need to be extended to store the encrypted values.
Add APP_KEY as environment variable to .env file
APP_KEY = yourkey
To encrypt before insert/update into database, use helper function from utils/crypt.js. Ex
import { encrypt } from '@/utils/crypt.js'
const first_name = req.body.first_name
const query = `INSERT INTO user SET first_name = ${encrypt(first_name)}`
INSERT INTO user SET first_name = HEX(AES_ENCRYPT('Test Nama', 'app_key') ), last_name = HEX(AES_ENCRYPT('Last Name', 'app_key') ), phone = HEX(AES_ENCRYPT('0811111111', 'app_key') ), email = HEX(AES_ENCRYPT('testmail@mail.com', 'app_key') ), comments = 'comment';
To get decrypted value from encrypted data, use helper function from utils/crypt.js. Ex
import { decrypt } from '@/utils/crypt.js'
const query = `SELECT *, ${decrypt('first_name')} FROM user`
SELECT *, AES_DECRYPT( UNHEX(first_name), 'app_key' ) as first_name FROM user;
Use decrypt in filter
SELECT *, AES_DECRYPT( UNHEX(first_name), 'app_key' ) as first_name FROM user WHERE AES_DECRYPT(UNHEX(first_name), 'app_key') like '%Test%';