- India
- https:\\www.rishabhverma.in
Distributed Token Bucket Rate Limiter using SpringBoot and Redis
Collection of leetcode company tag problems. Periodically updating.
Kafka producer and consumer example using spring boot
This service can be used to create microservice architecture with Gateway/Reverse Proxy using Zuul without using Eureka.
Spring Cloud example for using Spring Boot, Zuul, and Eureka.
This is a tutorial project for Dependency Injection in Java using Google GUICE
Graph Traversal and Dependency Injection using Guice Example
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Template of Dropwizard Microservice
This Repository is having C# code which allows you to share a directory using C# and set share permission programmatically.
WPF Application which logs operations using Apache log4net NuGet
Python Script to abbreviate slangs