A tree-walk interpreter for evaluating algebraic expressions which uses single digits 0-9
and +-/*()
lexemes by building Abstract Syntax Tree and error handling.
To start the parser,
$ cd cmake-build-debug
$ make
$ ./parser
> 1 + 1
> 1 - 1
> 1 + (1 + 1)
> test
All test passed!
> exit
The parser supports single digits '0-9', +, -, *, /
expression -> term ((+|-) term)*
term -> factor ((*|/) factor)*
factor -> '0-9'
-> LPAREN expression RPAREN
├── src
│ ├── AST
│ │ ├── evaluateAST.h
│ │ └── node.h
│ ├── Parser
│ │ ├── parser.cpp
│ │ └── parser.h
│ ├── main.cpp
│ └── solver.h
└── tests
└── test.h